Syncing calendars

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

Syncing calendars

I have a problem with double bookings. I have set up Airbnb to synch with my calendar for my website's direct bookings.

I have set up my calendar in a way that when Airbnb imports my calendar I log the timestamp somewhere. from looking at the timestamps for today, Airbnb last imported some of my calendars yesterday at 10 am (24+ hours ago).


This frequency creates fertile ground for double bookings, which Airbnb does not take responsibility for.


Does anyone know how often Airbnb imports external calendars? 24+ hours is just too long.


some calendars were imported 17hrs ago, one this morning at 3am (12hrs ago)

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



I don't know how frequently Airbnb syncs iCal calendars, but can you set up a schedule for the calendar on your website to do the import/export?



Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

Hi Debra,


I have no problem pulling reservation from airbnb to my external calendar as i have full control of the frequency.


Airbnb controls how often they pull the external calendar reservations into their database. This is a pull, third party can't push reservations to airbnb. Unless its a channel manager. 


Airbnb claims every 2 hours.