What's your preferred check-in system and style?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

What's your preferred check-in system and style?

Guest arrival and Check-InGuest arrival and Check-In

Hi Everyone! 


Usually when the guests arrive at the listing, every Host has a different style and check-in system in place to greet guests and help them access the listing. Some Hosts prefer virtual check-in while some Hosts may like to meet their guests in person and guide them through the listing. 


Based on your hosting style and guest requirements, the check-in window for guests can also widely vary. While few Hosts accommodate a flexible check-in time for the guests, some Hosts may find that a standard check-in time works well for their listing. 


I'd like to invite our Hosts to share what's their hosting style when guests arrive to the listing. 


What's your preferred method and approach for guests checking into your property? How long is your check-in window? Is there a particular sweet spot? Do you offer flexible check in to your guests? Do you change the check-in times depending on the seasons?


Looking forward to your insights and suggestions! 🌻



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75 Replies 75
Level 2

I am asking my housekeeper to meet the guest explain everything in brief 

As i am in abroad 


That would create positive atmosphere