I would like some advice on what might be the best way to ma...
I would like some advice on what might be the best way to market an additional totally independent living space on the same p...
Where do I go on AirBnB.com to sign in and go to the APPEALS site. I just can't find it and need desperate help.THX Gernot
Sorry what's the 'appeals site' if you could let us know what has happened we can try and help @Gernot19
I have been thrown out of AirBnB and they will not tell me why. I spent all morning to find out what it is they are accusing me but wont tell me. Last I heard was "go to Appeals to get reinstate. THX
@Gernot19 you seem to have been suspended. Its probably something reported from your last guest .They may have invented something to get a refund. Try and be patient but check the reservation number and open a conversation on line.Get someone to show you how if you do not know.. Read the guidelines about suspensions and keep trying. Good Luck Gernot. These things do seem to happen without hosts knowing. Look for a tab called 'insights '.. H
Thank you H, I spent all day on the phone with them. The only result was , we'll let you know in 48 hours. I am pretty furious.
@Gernot19 the site was down about twelve hours ago ,who knows for how long , maybe you are just signed out?try signing in again with your email... H
THX. Tried already. No answer.
I believe you need to call Airbnb Customer Service directly to start the appeals process.