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I hope all are doing well.
I'm here again bec...
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Hello guys,
I hope all are doing well.
I'm here again because I'm handling another listing in my homeland Ecuador with low...
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I handle all of the communication for the property that my wife and I host, but there is nothing under the Insights menu. When my wife logs in, it shows all of the data for our property. Will this ever be fixed?
@Darin57 Co hosts are limited in what info they can access. Not like it's a bug that needs fixing. If you want to see more than what you have access to, can you not just log in with the host credentials?
So you're saying it's a design flaw as opposed to a bug? They made a deliberate decision to show me an Insights dashboard that will never, ever work? And the work-around is to violate security protocol and ask the primary host to share their logon credentials?
I was hoping for a more thoughtful response.
@Darin57 That was a pretty rude response to a fellow host who took the time to give you information in answer to your question.
It isn't a design flaw. Primary hosts do not always want a co-host to be able to view all the information available to the primary host. Not all hosts and co-hosts are husband and wife, you know. In most cases it's more of a business relationship.
As Colleen says, why not just log in through your wife's account if you need to see info that isn't available to you as a co-host?
Hi @Sarah977, why be so accusatory and dismissive? @Darin57 asked helpful questions and kindly took time to point out the *design flaw* of showing an "insights" tab that is not even functional. Is it rude to point out a flaw in service to the community, or is it rude to dismiss those trying to help?
Imagine buying a car where there's a door handle on the passenger side, but no actual door.
When you complain, somebody says: "Why don't you just use the driver side door and climb over the seat?" I'm sorry if my response sounded rude. The suggestion was so unhelpful that I assumed it came from an airbnb employee, not a fellow host. 😃
I think the main problem is there should be a setting to allow your cohost access to insight stats, monthly earnings, etc. And you could give granular access, depending on how much data you want the cohost to have.
Hi, I agree with @Darin57 I am in the same situation as himself, my wife has the listings on her account whereas I cannot see any insight information.
Currently there is no other options to see the insights other than logging into the wife's account but as he mentioned it goes against the security protocols and general security of password sharing etc... I understand that maybe not most host listers do not want to share the insight details with co-hosts but if there would be to option for the host to share those details (Even if it is disabled option by default) it would address the issue.
I look forward for the feature to be implemented as having no insights visibility is very unconvenient.
Insight access would be very helpful as I sit here needing to fill out TOT and I will have to log in via wife's account.
Definition of a design flaw in my opinion, either don't show Insights in the co-host UI or provide the primary host the ability enable/disable access.
There should be an option to give admin privileges to another user for situations like, husband and wife, business partners, etc. It doesn't make any sense to have to share login credentials in order to have the ability to access the insights dashboard, it's very frustrating.
I agree that the primary host should be able to select/click a button on the co-hosts name that will enable "full access" or "restricted" like the current default.
BUMP, would be great if the host had options to turn certain admin features on and off, insights included.
I agree 100% on Airbnb needing to figure out a solution for this!
My wife and I partner together to run our Airbnb business and this UX has been painful to deal with to say the least. I am the co-host therefore I don’t have the same access to features/functionality such as insights, response templates, etc. This means I have to log into my wife’s account to utilize the templates we created (or create duplicates on my account) or log into her account every time I want to review insights or other features only available to the host.
Understanding other folks opinions on this, but it really boils down to Airbnb streamlining the host/co-host UX and creating a feature/functionality that allows hosts to add co-host(s) and determine the co-hosts level of access/permissions.
This is a common practice for businesses (especially in the banking/financial industry) where account owners can set up roles/permissions for admins, accountants, general users, etc.
Though hosts can now select a from a menu of options for co-host permissions, I have full access but cannot view listing insights. I am a paid contracted co-host and I am making changes to the listing that hopefully get improved results for views; etc. but for some reason my "Full Access" designation does not allow me to monitor performance results.
I'm not sure why this permission is not a simple toggle on or off for Hosts to grant, like most other listing management features?