am I doing something wrong?

am I doing something wrong?

hey everyone. we bought a turn key Airbnb rental in the Florida keys in September of 2021. it cash flowed nice enough that we didn't need to put any money towards expenses. That was my goal in the beginning, to not have to put down any money into expenses. If I did I would like to keep it minimal. After much learning (busy season, slow seasons) I understand I would have to put money in. I left my property manager who was taking 20% commissions for a property manger who was taking 15% commissions and also offered more insight in terms of updating and making things more presentable. The house was tired so it definitely needed an update. Now with our new PM, from July through December we haven't had any guests. The home went live on AIRBNB in November after losing all of our old reviews (so essentially starting over again). Am I just looking too much into it because we essentially started over? I've had two guests book the house and them cancel. Any words of encouragement or words of wisdom 


here is the listing

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I think you should take a look at the Airbnb Insights for your property.  I don't know how your listing looked before but if the property manager has had 6 months I don't see the work.  The only reviews are on the realty company and highlight severe negatives.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I am not sure why you would choose a management company that 


a) has such awful reviews for other properties they manage 


b) charges a $125 'registration fee' - what is this for


c) only leaves one toilet roll and rubbish bag


d) leaves properties open with keys inside - this is a major security risk


in your shoes I would check your contract with the management company and give them notice .


find a local superhost who offers cohost services who has great reviews and manages the property forward.


the listing should be set up in your name with the cohost added as such so you have full control. 

and of course you will have expenses associated with your listing such as toiletries , cleaning products replacing damaged bedding etc.

