What Hosts are saying

    Hi everyone, Welcome to the "Ask about your listing" board – I hope you’ve been finding lots of useful information, insights and advice from our community. One of the amazing things about this space is that those starting out on their Hosting journey c... Latest reply by Toby181
    Hello, fresh newbie here. We listed a few hours ago - https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/45059687?adults=1&s=42&unique_share_id=27C15869-EA49-495B-9B95-BE01AD8C8E03&_branch_match_id=836516454800936023&source_impression_id=p3_1600679291_UWjTokR4diEO6uTo&fbcl... Latest reply by Lise47
    Hello All, hope you are well. Concern: Due to my flat not being suitable for children and my insurance policy restricting me from hosting anyone under the age of 18y/o. Putting into place “reasonable restrictions” on my listings and acted upon the ... Latest reply by Emma762
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    Hi AllIts a moving picture in the UK with various local restrictions coming in to play as Covid cases are on the rise. Since the 'rule of 6' came in we have been adapting to take smaller groups. Local restrictions came in to affect today meaning only 1 ho... Latest reply by Helen350