cancellation extenuating circumstances

cancellation extenuating circumstances

I contacted Airbnb customer support as I was within 24 hours of the arrival of the guest. I contacted the guest also was assured that it was ok. I explained to customer service all of a sudden I ran out of time to finish preparing the room well because my brother who lives with me had to go the hospital. I was a super host for years (before the pandemic) and have never concelled before. I asked Airbnb to waive the cancellation charge. I have not heard from them. Any idea what I should do.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Frank-And-Miriam0 Unless you are very lucky Airbnb will fine you I am afraid. I don't believe sickness of a brother counts as an extenuating circumstance although it might if they are in the same house. I fear you will have to wait and see what happens.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Frank-And-Miriam0 , 


Hope your brother is doing well and is in the best health!

Did you hear back from the Support teams?

I wanted to share the following article that talks about Extenuating Circumstances Policy to help you get more information. I hope it helps.



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