how do you get back to 5 stars?


how do you get back to 5 stars?

Hi everyone.


We have had 5 star ratings for everything until one guest ruined my sofa and a few other things and when I asked for compensation he then left us a 2 star rating - even though before that he had said he had had a wonderful time.

So its taken my rating from 5 stars to 4.9 (45 five star ratings, one two star rating)


How do I ever get back to 5 star overall rating?


Ps the guest didn't pay for the damages and Airbnb refused to remove his rating.

Top Answer

Yes its hard to be perfect and the whole 5* expectation is somewhat absurd.

The issue is about AIRBnB behaviour in not implementing there own policies which state that review must be "fair and unbiased and relate only to the stay" - nothing personal. In our case the reviewer commented they had a great time and the stay was terrific but then went on to call us out on seeking payment from them for damages. In fact what we did was trigger the AIRBnB insurance claim for the damage they did - which bye the way  AIRBnB has since paid. So several issues with this.

1. Why would AIRBnB allow somebody to leverage the platform in such a personal and vindictive way

2. Why will they not back their own policies

3. Why do they refuse to answer any specific point raised - they merely hide behind generic statements of "we have reviewed this but...."

All in all it  outlines alce of ethics and transparency - key issues for a platform such as this.

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33 Replies 33
Level 2
Brockweir, United Kingdom

Yes I agree, its so irritating especially as the guest who down graded us, from 5 stars (110 x 5 star reviews) told lies!! Also I use air b n to travel and I really don't care wether its 5 or 4.99 stars or even less

Level 2
Three Rivers, CA

I had 12  5 star reviews.  I am a basic newby.    Then a couple gave me all "1"s.  I believe because they did not read the listing and I live on the premises and they could not do their drug deal.  I am now at 4.69.    I am angry.  I would be fine with actual real complaints like a 3 or even a 2, but these people had ulterior motive.  Air bnb actually PAID ME $100 for the mess these people left.  However, the review is still up.  If I had written down "customer mad b/c they could not do their drug deal" then what?  Trying to rely more on VRBO and cut this thing off.  Very unfair.  These people were wild-eyed and tried to intimidate me saying really crazy things.  When I remained calm and answered them calmly they became even more crazy.  They were pissed because they could not get to me so this is what they did.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Karen3433 ,

You can dispute a retaliatory review – regardless of when it was posted – from guests who commit a serious violation of policies. You can read more about it here:

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Airbnb wants you to "think" you can dispute it, but you really can't.  it is just lip service.