Airbnb Company and CEO's net worth - Guess where that money is (and isn't) going

Airbnb Company and CEO's net worth - Guess where that money is (and isn't) going

Airbnb is worth 38 billion as a company and CEO Brian Chesky is worth 4.2 Billion. They have PLENTY of resources to help out the hosts that they have left up a creek without a paddle with the rash and guest-centric policy that violates their contract they have with us hosts, but they instead choose to sit on their sizable profits with no help or solution to hosts. 


They have talked about us having "compassion" and empathy" for guests, however, they are not willing to share any of the profits to cover the hard working men and women who have made their company what it is. 



2 Replies 2

@Caleb-and-Rachel0  Net worth is a thorny calculation to say the least, but here's a laugh - based on these numbers, the CEO could cut each one of Airbnb's 650,000 hosts a check for $4,923.07  and still have a hypothetical $1 billion left over. Now I know this isn't how economics works, but it does illustrate the benefits of pawning off your risk.


Belong anywhere!

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Airbnb is still a private company. The majority of its funding has been raised from venture capital firms.   It isn't really Airbnb's money to "give away".  It's investor money. I think what that means is that firstly, Airbnb would not be entitled to any "bailouts" that may be coming for the travel industry, and secondly, the venture capital firms wouldn't cough up any more money if Airbnb started handing it out as host compensation, unless they could show how that might benefit any potential IPO. 

Also, I think it would be a vast understatement to say that Airbnb was just totally unprepared for what's happening right now.  They've been solely focused on their IPO. 

I've seen quite a few people with "paper worth" - all estimated, not real worth.  Airbnb does not have to proivide public financial statements since they are still a private company.