Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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When my guests booked they knew I had strict policy. This covered anything that happened unless my fault. I promise I did not cause Coronavirus. So this is not my fault. I also took a chance- I am sure I get fewer bookings because of my policy. But this is not casual extra for me, I need to pay mortgage, taxes, college tuition for my child etc etc. I opted for less income but sure one. When guests cancel and get full refund, this is extra money for them. They have already spent in on a trip, not an item. They were never getting anything tangible back that they are not now. So this is sunk cost. All they are not getting is an experience. Why then this should be solely on the hosts? I know airbnb wants to please guests. I just wonder how many of us will not be able to survive this. There are stories on the news about poor guests who did not get to go on this wonderful trip and now need to pay. Where are the stories of hosts who scramble to get their next mortgage paid now?
A guest just got a full refund for a reservation that started before the new policy took place. It was a young group travelling to celebrate St. patrick's day. CS told me that I should remember that the guest was impacted as well. Yes, sure, each one of them lost just a couple of hundred dollars because they were splitting it and just did not get to drink together and I have to pay mortgage and feed my kids. Airbnb seriously thinks it is a fair comparison! The fact that they wrote it made me even more furious.
I had a confirmed guest ask if she could extend her stay. I told her she couldn't, because I was fully booked. Then everybody started cancelling, so I reached out to her. She had booked somewhere else. I have these large gaps in my calendar now.
The people who work/ed for airlines might well say it wasn't their 'fault' when explaining to their landlord they can't pay the rent. Century-old family restaurant owners might cite the same rationale when saying goodbye to employees who've worked with them for years. And when elderly parents are facing death's door, they might well ask who's to blame.
Somebody else's fault?
There aren't any winners here. Well, short of hand-gel and disinfectant manufacturers.
These are extraordinary times.
Well -- some are losing disproportionately -- HOSTS!
Guests are winning. Getting full refund than rebooking elsewhere or other date at much cheaper rate.
Guest are winning. Covered 100% by Airbnb refund even though they made decision not to buy travel insurance when they booked.
Guests are winning. Bought travel insurance and getting back that money in addition to 100% refund from Airbnb.
Airbnb is winning. Spinning the story all over the place on every news outlet to make themselves look like good Samaritans by refunding all the Guests, leaving out the part of this story that the refunds to Guests are coming entirely out of the mouths of the children of their Hosts.
The only qualificaiton I would make though @Gordon0, is that while airbnb are refunding the guest 100% of the accomodation fees, they are keeping the service fee and only offering it to the guest as a credit to put to future trips. so their financial loss is a HELL of a lot less than hosts. I do understand these are extra ordinary times and that lots and lots of industries and people are being financially crippled. I have a number of colleagues who booked trips months ago - they are going to lose everything, despite having expensive travel insurance, as pandemics are excluded. They won't get any refunds for hotel accomodation from large multinational chains. Yet little old home hosts are forced to give 100% refunds? It DOES kind of feel like airbnb are throwing hosts under a bus financially in order to look good without taking a particularly onerous financial hit themselves. ( and I say this from a detached perspective - I"ve not personally experienced the corona refund - yet - the bushfires and floods crippled my occupancy long before corona...)
Wow I did not realise.that is a.total disgrace. Can not see Airbnb lasting after hearing that
CS rep told me I should appreciate that she risked her life coming to work to answer my call. She risks her life every day- car accident Might happen, icicle might fall of a roof or person text to her might have the flu. She should also appreciate the fact that if we all go bankrupt she will not have a job at all
Airbnb is telling everyone the hosts are protected just like guests. its unbelievable.
Yes!! I have seen this too!!! LIARS!!!!! Tooting their horn all over every news outlet -- Airbnb telling everyone how generous and selfles they are refunding all the Guests. HOSTS ARE REFUNDING THE GUESTS and hurting!! They seem to be leaving this part out as they spin this story all over the place. I am sickened by these news stories. Airbnb is shameless and disgusting.
Airbnb could have thought outside the box on this, but of course they were incapable of doing so. If, instead of a 100% refund, or even a 50% refund for cancellations that would have fallen under that policy normally, Airbnb had decided to pay hosts out, say 20-25% of the reservation, that at least wouldn't have left hosts with zero. And I think many guests who would balk at losing 50% would have been understanding if Airbnb had sent guest a message explaining that while everyone needs to do what is prudent to stay safe, they can't let their hosts go bankrupt because of a situation not their fault, and therefore 20% of the cancelled reservation due to coronavirus will be retained and sent to the host.
Instead, Airbnb sent a typical "We know you'll totally understand, because it's so reasonable, that we are going to totally screw you over" to hosts, yet didn't expect guests to be the least bit understanding.
I seriously can't agree more. I have properties that are solely on Homeaway and solely on airbnb, and I couldn't hate AIRBNB more right now. Homeaway treats their hosts way better. the app and website is harder to maneuver, but they stand behind their hosts and hosts cancelation policy. why are the hosts not covered by the extenuating circumstance policy? why would they not make it 50/50? or credit accounts? I have 16 properties and mortgages and bills, I've had nearly EVERY SINGLE RESERVATION cancel. without hosts these companies wouldn't have a business.
Fortunately we have only had a couple of cancellations and we have had guest having to extend their stays so for us I guess it has balanced its self out.
I know from my friends that airlines are not giving refunds one airline I know are giving credits valid for one year, That is one way airbnb could handle this is bye giving credits to guest for future bookings.
I am dead against airbnb refund policy if the guest decides not to come but until an Embassy issues a total travel ban then I dont agree with airbnb EC.
So, how do we band together to make an impact? Without hosts Airbnb wouldn’t exist. If we made a stand they would have to listen. Don’t forget the IPO that’s about to happen. The value would be Diminished if a good chunk of people from Airbnb made a stand and left the platform. United we stand and divided we fall.
>>Without hosts Airbnb wouldn’t exist<<
Let's face it, @Jake4, without Airbnb, many of us wouldn't be hosts. Voting with your feet would be plausible if there were a platform that could take on Airbnb. But I'm far from convinced there is (I haven't heard great things going on via other platforms when it comes to COVID19 refunds).
@Gordon0 Normally I share the same position as you do. All these calls for hosts to march on Airbnb is shooting ourselves in the foot. However, now I am rethinking it. Yes, Airbnb gave me this opportunity. However, if I knew that they could turn to such a degree on me at any moment, perhaps I would not have invested so much into this business. I was lured in by promise of a certain contract. I always knew some percentage would be refunded under extenuating circumstances, but I never thought it Would be all of the money. I invested a lot of into this business. I now have commitments of mortgage, taxes, housekeepers etc. On Homeaway I’m having full control of what I’m refunding. They also offer everybody travel insurance at check out. So even the guess who did not purchase it, know they had the choice.