2019 1099 Report

Level 2
Hana, HI

2019 1099 Report

STILL missing our 1099, and CANNOT find it on line - 

Ridiculous it cannot be found - and thereafter printed from the website.

How can a company like AirBnB have such a difficult website?

Need help? Could EASILY fix a lot of simplest problems.

Suggestions to "Feedback" go into a black hole.

Still feeling very much 'thrown under the bus' for the way the initial unilateral CoVid19 cancellations were handled.

Not expecting a reply from ABB, but our community is strong, hopeful there. Am overdue applying for a relief loan, and desperately need the simple 1099 from AirBnB.  SquareUp took 30 seconds.  HomeAway/Vrbo the same.

2 Replies 2
Level 3
Fullerton, CA

Did you ever find it? I got an email saying its ready and its not actually there. You used to be able to go on and look at any 1099's from any year but they no longer have it available. I'm also supposed to get them mailed to me. Sometimes I get them and sometimes I don't. If you had over 200 reservations and made over 20,000 you're supposed to receive one. It's impossible to break up airbnb fees, adjustments from damages, cleaning fees, and rental money. Because of Covid, no one is available to help with anything else. 

Do you happen to know if the host counts the occupancy taxes and local taxes as taxes we paid to the state or does Airbnb count them for themselves?