25% Refund from Airbnb due to Coronavirus

Level 1
Glasgow, United Kingdom

25% Refund from Airbnb due to Coronavirus

Hi there,


Can anyone tell me when hosts are likely to receive 25% refund from Airbnb when guests have cancelled bookings due to Coronavirus please.


Thanks, Alison

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Alison705 there is no set date as of yet, it is still very much up in the air. You may get 25% of the 50% you otherwise would have gotten under a strict cancellation policy.

There are plenty of threads on the forum on the issue if you care to do search.

Level 1
United States

I am dealing with the same issue. We had several communication with Airbnb 3 weeks ago and we still waiting for the 25% contribution refund as you are. Pls llet me know if you have any news! Thank you

Richard / USA     richman-usa@msn.com

Yes I did noticed that they finally paid me for one cancellation and it was way less than 25% I Received $109.09. For just one cancellation of a reservation which I have six of them. 😏

Level 4
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

@Alison705 @Hi , only got around £56 back for a five night booking cancelled two days before arrival date which wasn’t 25%.Had nothing for any other dates booked due to me not meeting the requirements.

Level 2
Michigan, United States

Same here..... When can we expect to get it?

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

$250 Million Host Aid

Message from Airbnb - 20/04/20


* Hosts will receive an email when a support payment is issued.

* This email will have an attached csv file which they can open in  Excel or Google sheets to review details of all the reservations that were included in the disbursement

* If a host hasn't received an email yet, their disbursement hasn't been issued yet


Timeline for next waves of hosts to receive payments and emails

  1. 20 April 2020 - 20K hosts
  2. 21 April 2020 - 145K hosts
  3. 22 April 2020 - 150K hosts
  4. 23 April 2020 - 184K hosts

Thanks again for being a valued Airbnb host.



Superhost Relief Fund

Starting on April 10, 2020, a specialized team at Airbnb will be inviting eligible Superhosts and hosts of experiences to apply for a relief grant via email.  Invitations to apply will go out first to long-standing Superhosts who are in the greatest financial need, by looking at the earnings decline from this year to last. This same team will evaluate applications and get in touch with hosts to let them know whether their applications are approved. All invitations will be sent out by May 15, 2020.

Level 1
Dübendorf, Switzerland

Dear Airbnb


I did not get any Email so far - are there some hosts who will not get anything?

We have not received a refund from Airbnb either. This is very disapointing.

Level 2

Timeline for next waves of hosts to receive payments and emails

  1. 20 April 2020 - 20K hosts
  2. 21 April 2020 - 145K hosts
  3. 22 April 2020 - 150K hosts
  4. 23 April 2020 - 184K hosts


23 cancelled nights only in April, all booked on strict policy and eligible for 25% refund.

Today is April 28, no mail and no refund, just nothing ...

very disappointing! 

Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11.38.18.png



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Sanee0,


Lovely to meet you. I'm sorry to hear you have received some many cancellations and have been hit so hard, it's such a difficult time right now. 


Looking at your screenshot, since you shared this some updates have been made to the host dashboard to make it easier to understand the cancellations. If you look in there again, do you see an updated version yet? If so, you should see more details on the cancellations.


Also, regarding payments, notifications for the $250M fund are starting to go out in batches. Hosts with eligible cancellations before April 8 should receive their first payment by May 1. 


Hopefully this helps to provide a little more information. But, do let me know. 


I wish you all the best. Stay safe and healthy. 


Hope to speak with you soon.



Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Thank you for reaching out to me!


Finally, on April 30th I got an email on the cancellations due to Covid. Before i didn't know exactly how much the the 25% payout is going to be, because i couldn't see the original payout in the cancelations. I believe the total payout for April was around 700 usd. Unfortunately all guests canceled more than 14 days prior arrival. That means, despite my strict cancelation policy the updated payout is 25% of 50% of the original payout resulting in 87 usd only.


Only 1/8 of the original payout  :(((


Well, i'm not here to complain. At least it's something. Right now i need every penny.


@Lizzie , how about that cancellation for May? This time Airbnb took only April into account.



Thank you and stay save!


Warm Regards


Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 07.40.29.png

Hi  @Lizzie, @Sanee0 We also have 2 listings and already since 2014 with Airbnb and also some years as Superhost. We have already lost 2 bookings which where booked before 15/3 and canceled by the guest due to covid-19 in a value of about 1256,00 euro. We took a strict cancelation policy because we cannot afford to lose money because we have a mortgage to pay. I understand that guests want to cancel because of these uncertain times but I don't understand why we as a host don't get nothing, even till now we didn't get even a 25% payout of our canceled bookings. We contacted already Airbnb for this but we got some of a general mail answer with some links to government support but this doesn't help us. As I read that some hosts already got a 25% payout for canceled reservations, why Airbnb doesn't take all hosts for equal ? Thanks and stay safe, Benny

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Benny-and-Marina0 What was the date of the stay for the bookings that you hope to get 25% for? If after end May then I am afraid they won't count.

If before May then, depending when they cancelled, you will only get 25% of 50%.

Hi @Mike-And-Jane0 , the date of the stay for those bookings was after May, so no refund. We hope we can save some bookings for the rest of the summer.. Thanks for your answer.