Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed beca...
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Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed because although he agrees most of the review is non relevant there a...
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Hello World,
I have a story to share about the failure of Airbnb to protect its hosts. Sadly I was visited by a guest who claimed to be bitten by bed bugs. As any good host would, I immediately responded to Airbnb Support that I would check that claim right away—at 5:00am. I went ahead and hired an expert on bed bugs extermination for later that morning to take care of the problem immediately. So far , I feel I took a responsible action , same as you would do right?
I later come to find out from that expert that no infestation of any kind was found at the property. Meaning that the guest had unfortunately fabricated a story and lied about being bitten. To my surprise later that afternoon, Airbnb writes to me explaining that the guest wants a full refund for their stay. What’s worse, is she claims she had “sleep outside in the cold due to the fear of bed bugs”. Funny thing about that previous sentence is that the contractor sent me pictures of his arrival and another picture when he was able to enter the property and no one was sleeping outside.
Even more shocking is that I send the report to Airbnb for proof that the guest was lying , but guess what? Airbnb allows that guest to leave a review and rating stating that “there are beds bugs here and everyone should stay away”. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, but if I send you an independent report by a bed bugs expert saying that no infestation was found after a thorough inspection, you would think that the most logical thing to do would be to remove that terrible review and rating from my profile, right?
Sadly, and to my utter dismay, Airbnb finds no issue in allowing the guest to leave their rating and review against despite me PROVING that it wasn’t the case. What’s even more beyond crazy is that Airbnb Support responds to me telling me **. What? Seriously? Oh but let me not forget the next part of their response **
Someone at Airbnb must be responsible for the host experience. Please find that person and let them know that they are FAILING at their job. I really do hope and pray someone at Airbnb reads this, and I really hope and pray it falls on their lap at 5am like it did for me. Then I hope that a massive meeting is held and a project charter is created to immediately tackle the debacle that is Airbnb Support for hosts.
Had the guest been truthful about the bedbugs I may have been punished for weeks and lost money in the process, but since the guest was wrong you turn a blind eye and allow her to publicly shame me for her lying? That is definitely not a long-term solution to keeping your company afloat Airbnb.
**[Conversation/messages with CS removed in line with Community Center Guidelines]
@Gina1455 in Miami, FLI just wrote a long story commiserating with you about Airbnb deciding for the guests at the expense of the hosts. Then this site erased it but I'm going to rewrite it.
Two people showed up for their reservation with two extra people, their parents. I told them they would have to pay for the other two people, but they didn't say anything and didn't offer the extra fees. The next day I called Airbnb and told them the situation and they said they had to talk to the guests. So, the guests said the space was dirty and the second bed too small for two extra people! No discussion of the real problem where they brought two extra people for free (and two dogs).
So Airbnb pulls the fantastic shocking thing I have ever experienced with them. They not only didn't get the extra money I was owed for two extra people for two days, but they refunded the guests their original money for two people for two days! They never referred to the fact these people brought extra people without paying! Then they lied about the condition of the space and the fact that it was spotless. They left their dogs alone for two whole days crying in their crates with no water.
I was so shocked that Airbnb took all the money back and made me host four people for two days with no recompense. That was mind-boggling. Then I read similar stories on this discussion area and no longer was so shocked. They DO choose the guest over their hosts.
@Gina1545 I would take them to the small claims court. I can almost guarantee they won't turn up so you will win by default.
I would contact them on social media about this @Gina1545 .
sadly I can't say I'm surprised .
Abhorrent and shocking at how pathetic the response was to my needs as a Host . @Catherine-Powell needs to wake up from her deep slumber and do something about this or someone over at Airbnb should take charge of redesigning the host experience and support. Frankly they should fire @Catherine-Powell for these archaic "policies".
Truly sorry for this experience @Gina1545. I've sent all the information to Customer Service and will update you with a Direct Message when I hear back from them. Thanks
American, right? Since Covid all my guests have been strictly Americans and they have for the most part been rude, entitled, and selfish. No respect and not an ounce of kindness. I blame Airbnb for always taking the side of the guest and hosts for giving everyone a 5 star review even if they are clearly 3 or 4 at best.
@Gina1545 what a nightmare. I am so sorry you had this experience. Your listings look great and you have a a lot of nice reviews. This person is definitely an outlier and a scam artist who tellingly was new to the platform/no reviews.
I think the takeaway from this for all of us is that ABB will almost always side with a guest, no matter how spurious the claims. They seem to prefer that we handle it before it comes to them. In short, we are working without a net but expected to pony up to ABB, keep our spaces constantly booked no matter how bad the guests, and solve our own issues.
I came to this platform to see if anyone else is experiencing what we have been experiencing in the past year as hosts. We have been Superhosts for several years and bend over backward to make our guests as comfortable as possible. This past summer has been super stressful with guests seeming to complain about the smallest things. We feel that our description and photographs detail our homes so that people get what they expect. I communicate well with all my guests and take care of any issues immediately. In the past month, people have been giving more 4 star reviews without really giving a reason. In the reviews, they say everything is wonderful and comfortable. Why four stars then???
I am having my PM (I have worked through a profile on his Superhost site for over six years) remove one of my properties because of a damaging review that will almost assuredly cost me future guests. I seldom even respond to nit , picky items, and even at times the guests who do not report, you rate them well on communication because you know nothing else, and then get stuck with what they have written, totally unaware of any issues there may have been.
We have hundreds of great reviews on our six homes. A recent guest reviewed us at a 1 star stating a variety of lies accused us (or someone) of video taping them outside the bedroom windows. The remaining complaints contained damaging statements such as "creepy" and "unsafe" among other provable falsehoods. It would be impossible to do this without someone carrying a ladder with them with the exception of the front door which is located on a screen porch and has a curtain on it.
All of the review came down to one piece of evidence; if the guest felt so unsafe why would they remain on property until check-out time? Any normal person would leave and contact the host, or we the owners who actually live on the property. They would have reported it or something they had an issue with. Yet, Airbnb took down my rebuttal and left theirs. Since I have built my business across a variety of places I've made the decision to remove the property from Airbnb. I'm not certain I may not remove all six of them, although I have enjoyed most Airbnb people. I am under contract to sell and I have to protect the investment for the buyers, as well.
The experience was so unnerving I have detailed it to my local inn keeper's group so that they understand that even those of us who work to create a peaceful experience can easily fall prey to this behavior. We are guilty until proven innocent at all levels of Airbnb. I've watched it becoming worse not only as an owner, but over many properties in the office I have done work for.
@Lisa1638 Your response to that review is still there. Not sure why you think it was removed.
That was a communication from the superhost review yesterday. It may be my PM is still going back and forth with them.