Hi everyone! I’m new to the Airbnb Community Forum and excit...
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Hi everyone! I’m new to the Airbnb Community Forum and excited to connect with fellow hosts. I’ve been involved in the short-...
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It must have "statistically" and "factually", affected airbnb's business, because they backed down and stopped trapping people in the donation page. I would like to see a chart of that time period, and the number of inquiries that made it through vs other times.
I can say without much doubt (99.9%), this board is not a hang out for Aryan Race supporters
Where has @Garrett48 ever stated that??!
There remain multiple references to the word, & the offending word itself that were not deleted @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 . So I understand John's desire to challenge Garrett48, in @Melodie-And-John0 's usual mellow, well reasoned, & totally inoffensive style. 🙂 🙂 🙂
With reference to your question, Garrett48 suggested at the top of this thread that the naysayers set up their own platform calling it *****bnb. - Obviously this did not pass the moderators....
So now I know, and so do other readers. How can moderators allow the same to be intact and allow the discussion to continue when they decided inappropriate language was used? You know about context Helen. Your post and @Melodie-And-John0 's posts are completely out of context here with only, (I'm guessing) ** to work on from @Garrett48
Bringing it up again and again after being deleted seems just provocative.
You misunderstand @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 . I commented on Garrett48's inappropriate, defamatory comment seconds after he posted, & the other references to it were made BEFORE Steph deleted the ONE comment from Garrett48. So Steph deleted Garrett's original comment, but chose to let the other comments stay; the subsequent comments which objected to it, & EXPLAINED in a non-aggressive manner, why it wasn't an accurate portrayal of how people think.
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 , the short of it is, it wasnt deleted til after I wrote it, now it is, no matter, its done and so is the discussion. Its all good, have an awesome night, JR
The FACT of the matter was your inciteful reply was made 6 hours after @Helen350 had already commented and I saw then, (six hours before), the initial reference had been deleted. That could be understandable and as @Helen350 explained her situation. That explanation was not applicable to you.
Your inciteful reply was six hours later and then, to to a post which had been deleted for over 8 hours.
The discussion was already 'done' as far as I was concerned, yet you decided to raise it again. Adding lies to your incendiary post doesn't do you any justice whatsoever.
It has the appearance of "forced donation" is what I have been told. If you want to take the chance of having many frustrated people giving up on your bookings, then, fine. It's your livelihood.
I am merely repeating what others have told me, that they gave up on a booking, because they couldn't figure out how to get out of the donation page (non-techy types, and there are many of them)- there is not an x to get out of it the page seen easily- fine, I was just giving a "heads up", but it you don't care about booking- then ignore this all totally. It has the perception, I am told of being a "forced donation".
There is the six second rule- if people get too frustrated after 6 seconds trying to make a booking and can't, they go off to vrbo.com, or many others-
@Dori36 I'm not the least bit interested in hosting guests who will move on if they aren't able to complete a booking in 6 seconds. That would indicate to me that they are self-absorbed, entitled, instant gratification types, who aren't the sort of people I wish to deal with.
That is statistically the average person-moves on after 6 or 15 seconds- yes - we have the luxury of people that aren't computer savvy getting frustrated (right now, especially) of turning away their business?? go ahead if you wish-- the six second rule is a rule that is used commonly in advertising, but ignore it if you wish.
@Dori36 It isn't statistically the average person who is attracted to my listing. That is one reason I have never used IB- I'm not interested in guests who think booking someone's home should be a matter of looking at the photos and price, and hitting "Book now". I like guests who take the time to read thoroughly through my listing description and have no issue with writing the host a friendly message if they wish to be accepted.