About the current round of lockdowns in Wales.....

Level 2
Swansea, United Kingdom

About the current round of lockdowns in Wales.....

I have asked the question of Airbnb and as yet I've had no reply...... as it stands, various Counties in Wales are back under lockdown...no one goes in and no one goes out unless it's for work or other essential travel. So far we are not under lockdown, but this could change at any moment...how do I get round cancelling any upcoming bookings without being penalised? I'm not trying to cancel yet, I'm just asking the question in case the need arises. Current Rules don't stop people in England travelling.

8 Replies 8
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Vivienne12 In Wales the concept of a Frustrated Contract exists. This is where, through no fault of either party, a contract is impossible to perform. It is this concept that is driving the CMA to insist all holiday firms give full refunds if a contract cannot legally be fulfilled.

As such either you or your guest should be able to get Airbnb to issue full refunds if lockdowns stop stays happening.

Lots of info can be found if you search Frustrated contracts and Edward VIII's non-coronation for the case law

Blimey! I just wanted to make a few bob out of my holiday chalet.... I never expected to be quoting Edward VIII and Frustrated Contracts! Thanks for the reply.




Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


You will be penalised.


At the least you will get your calendar blocked which may or may not be to your benefit?


Why would you want to cancel may I ask? It is never beneficial to a host to cancel. If your accommodation is available but your guests cannot travel, then your cancellation policy applies. In newer contracts no Covid-19 related cancellations can obtain full refunds. You would be compensated by your cancellation policy. The guests would lose out in that respect, but their travel insurance will cover their losses.


If you do go ahead with any cancellations make sure you cancel on a desktop computer. Do not use your phone App. On the desktop there are far more options you can use to your benefit.


Hopefully that helps. 😀

@Vivienne12 Based on experiences of other hosts on this forum you will not be penalised and your calendar will not be blocked.

Guests absolutely should be involved in any cancellation and I agree that depending on the circumstances they should initiate the cancellation.

Finally @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 's suggestion that a guests travel insurance will pay is just plain wrong. Under all insurance policies  there is a clause that says the guest must mitigate any loss they are claiming for. In this instance it means the guest must claim that the contract for the holiday is frustrated and they be given a full refund.

The CMA will not go after the insurance company for not paying out but they would (and are) going after travel companies for not paying out.

Level 2
Swansea, United Kingdom

I think that the problem here,  is that while it’s ok for someone in a ‘hotspot’ in England is ok to travel to Wales for a holiday.... it’s not ok for me in a ‘hotspot’ in Wales to host them. Personally if I was booked somewhere that had gone in to lockdown, I would want to cancel, but some people aren’t taking it quite so seriously. As I say, we’re not in lockdown yet here, but I’m sure we will be soon and I have guests booked for the next couple of weeks. Just wait and see I guess. Thanks for your input.

@Vivienne12 @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 @Mike-And-Jane0 



Look up " Neil Ferguson Wales" and his history, including recent articles online.


Learn, be informed, speak up and ask for the Coronavirus Act to be turfed out.


That guy is a lunatic.


Make sure you also read the Science Paper he is the Lead author of on the UK & EU & Brexit & most of us know about his relationship with Antonia Staats - she wrote a letter & started an online Petition on AVAAZ ( a website created by Ricken Patel who so happens to be involved with WEF) to our New Zealand Government telling them to freeze rents back in March... It appears it may have been on behalf of a Green MP ..


There's lots of issues a small "cluster" of unelected people have undertaken that are impacting on everyone's lives and those activists must be held to account for their disruptive behaviours.


Take note @Catherine-Powell @Lizzie  @Airbnb you may like to raise these concerns with Brian Chesky and ABB Head office as it impacts on his and other travel related businesses and the public health of society in general .


Be mindful, some of these Scientists/ Advisors are also involved in the disruptions of STR & ABB in general 


Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom



Finally @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 's suggestion that a guests travel insurance will pay is just plain wrong. Under all insurance policies  there is a clause that says the guest must mitigate any loss they are claiming for. In this instance it means the guest must claim that the contract for the holiday is frustrated and they be given a full refund.

The CMA will not go after the insurance company for not paying out but they would (and are) going after travel companies for not paying out.


Having gone through this in depth recently,  an insurance company would only pay out if:

a) The claimed reason was not evident at the time of booking.

b) Every opportunity to re-claim payment from the (accommodation) was refused.

c) An attempt to reclaim payment from the credit card company had been refused.


The CMA are going after travel companies - its true. That doesn't mean they have won any case on this and besides, Airbnb are not a travel company, neither are hosts a travel company, so any outcome there would not affect the relationship Hosts/Guests have tied up in their booking contracts. In no way can an untested law be applied to a booking contract as an excuse for a fully refundable cancellation.


Claims of frustrated contracts are just firing blanks.



And you will be penalised by losing your cancellation fee.