About to lose superhost status because of a bug in AirBnb software

Level 2
Canary Islands, Spain

About to lose superhost status because of a bug in AirBnb software

Lately I've been getting lots of inquiries from scammers so I report and block them right away. Reporting them doesn't stop the timer of 24 hours to reply to enquiries so while I've been always responding within 5 to 10 minutes my response rate has now dropped to 90%,  the minimum required for superhost status.


I contacted support (a month ago) and first they said that the counter wouldn't affect my response rate, but it did... and today they're promising that my response rate won't affect my superhost status, but I don't believe them as lately not a single issue you report gets solved.


So soon I will lose superhost and it will be over a bug in their software... it's an absolute disgrace!!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Long Beach, CA



I hope this gets resolved for you. When this happens to me, I also respond to the scammers with "you've been reported".