SF Bay is too far from Afghanistan , I think...
We have some Afghan refugees here, but they live in a refugee centers. Awaiting deportation. Actually, there is no such a thing "Afghan" nationality, as well. They are different tribes, that hate each other to death. Inside the refugee centers, they are separated in different buildings, surrounded by fences and guards. If you try to keep them all together, they will kill each other. Some people died in the past, after mass riots and fights between those afghan tribes and now they are separated. There is no way to keep them together. They will just fight and attack each other until the death of the last member of the opposite tribe-no matter of his/her gender or age.
The good news is, that my country is not their final destination, because they have nothing to do here-there is no job for them, social services are also limited, because they don't have legal statute. They are trying to reach Germany, France, Norway, Sweden...
Actually, I have no idea how those governments are solving the problem with them. US is just too far. Probably you will never face this problem there. Afghans are just not like the people from Syria, Iran or like the Kurds. They are completely different case.