This is ridiculous! To have to go through all of this just t...
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This is ridiculous! To have to go through all of this just to log in! It's the DESIGN of the security check itself that is RI...
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Bonjour hosts,
Very saddest experience and sound crazy, but it's happening on us!
Begin this week, we receive an instant booking 18 nights from M.
During his check-in, he was unpleasant, unwell behaviour. We decided to refund his payment and
explain the reason why we can't host him.
He left with exasperation, disturb the neighbour and hit the door.
After two days, he returns to attack my partner at the home building entrance.
M punches into my partner nose, he uses a knife cut on my partner face about 7cm deep.
My partner falls on the street, blood over the body.
M continues the attack, kick on my partner head.
My partner fainted.
During those times, M has stolen my partner handphone, apartment keys, some cash and building security badge.
My partner has an accident in 2015, since then he is a handicapped person, that why he can't defend himself.
At present, my partner is safe, but he is weak and can't eat because of his face injured. hurt
We would like to share our miserable experience.
We wish all hosts happy hosting, stay safe and take care.
Thank you,
Dale and Dan
@Dale711 I'm so sorry to hear about this horrific experience, and wish Dan all the best for his recovery.
Has Airbnb cooperated with the police in transmitting the guest's ID data? One concern many hosts have with unverified guests is that they can't be effectively tracked in the event of a crime. And this is, of course, a very serious crime.
Salut Andrew,
Thank you for your kind words!
Airbnb has sent us the link of Law Emforcement Portol in order to reach Airbnb directly,
We has pass on to the police officer who's incharge this case.
After we refuse his stay, he reseved a Airbnb private room at our neighbourhood for 3 nights, his stay of the last night was the day he attack Dan.
As present, we go thought his profile, show that he have a 5 stars positive review from the private room host.
That make a question mark, who's will be the next victim ?
It's our fault, we should'nt refuse his stay, even we do not feel safe ?
but we was concern for other guests in the shared room.........
We are confuse
@Dale711 Now I'm also confused. Clearly you were right to refuse entry to a violent guest, but did someone suggest otherwise?
Presumably the private room host was unaware of what the guest did outside of the home. But they should be questioned in the investigation.
Jesus ! 😞
Salut Branke and Silvia,
Merci beaucoup !
Salut Yadra,
Merci beaucoup !
Salut Kath,
Yes, we have reported to Airbnb and after the happening, police and ambulance arrived at the scene.
We hope his ID is invalid.
After we refuse his stay, he reserved an Airbnb private room at our neighbourhood for 3 nights, his stay of the last night was the day he attacks Dan.
As present, we go thought his profile, show that he has a 5 stars positive review from the private room host.
Thank you very much
Dale, I am so sorry to read what has happened to Dan, please be assured wherever we are in the world we feel for you and share your anguish!
We have seen this coming........Your post is one that was always going to happen soon or later!
Airbnb employees in Brannan Street in San Francisco are never going to be faced eyeball to eyeball with a knife wielding mentally unstable individual (or group) wearing a pair of steel capped boots, at their office door, such as Dan has had to.
It is probable that Airbnb (once again acting with great insensitivity) refused to refund this "Guest's" entire reservation payment, spruiking that that would be contrary to their cancellation policy and rules, without even bothering to ask the host for an explanation before making a refund decision! Easy for them, they can just dust their hands of it and move on! But Dan couldn't, he's not anonymous like Airbnb, and that could be what has prompted this attack on Dan......and would have happened to you if you had been available at that instant!
I said this was always going to happen because Airbnb have progressively taken away hosts verification tools when accepting reservations. The list of situations we are not allowed to refuse is far longer than the list of ones we are allowed to now base a hosting decision on!
Airbnb make it as hard as possible to identify, parties, shady businesses, or loopies like this one of yours. They used to protect hosts once, they protect reservations now. Your decision as to who you allow on your property is not yours any more, you are penalised if you don't quickly respond to what is nothing more than a shadow, an IB......and you end up with a 'fruit cake' at your doorstep!
There are hosts here who now say they don't want to give a bad review because they are frightened of physical retaliation by someone who now knows where to find them! Meanwhile the opening line of the guests review of the host is....."Did you feel unsafe during this stay"?
This is not what the shared economy is supposed to be....we do the sharing while someone else does the abusing and the taking!
It's only a matter of time before a smart legal eagle links Airbnb as a co-conspirator in a criminal case because they failed to provide adequate information and protection for their host providers.
Sorry Dale, I wish there was some way we could make it better, look after Dan and give him our best!
Salut Rob,
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Stay safe and Take care,
Dale and Dan
@Dale711 one side note, which probably has nothing to do with the violent incident but might become a problem later: your most recent review reports that you give friendly guests "free coke." Consider posting a brief response clarifying that this guest meant Coca-Cola, lest you find yourself attracting guests expecting the other thing nicknamed "coke."
You seem to be operating a large, cheap, male-only dormitory hostel in the middle of a big city. I don't know if it's economical for you, but this kind of business would usually have a security guard (or employee who is prepared to act as one) on-site.