Hi Airbnb community! I’m a bachelor’s student in Adam Micki...
Hi Airbnb community! I’m a bachelor’s student in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland conducting research on Airbnb’s guerri...
Just listened to the new updates for Airbnb on their FB Live and feel discouraged as a Host.
I don't have an emaculately designed modern home with features that "WOW" guests. I have a humble space for budget seeking travelers in a very expensive city (San Francisco).
Is Airbnb weeding people out instead of including everyone?
@Angela608 Airbnb plus is probably design for the big hotels and real estate agents who have been on the network for quite a long time appearing like casual hosts so i guess this will now make them standout.I totally agree with you it is unfair for the genuine home owners.Good luck!!!
I'm with Rob's comment. Angela, I wasn't quite sure of how I felt about the annoucement either. Maybe I had mixed emotions. I've been hosting for years but have never reached super host status because my guests are always long-term. In order to be a super host you have to be able to reach at least 10 visits. That won't ever be me because my guests stay for months at a time. Will I get bumped to the bottom? Maybe, but the guests who aren't looking for exotic places will still find our listings. I think Airbnb is creating a place for every type of host. It's also showing people the quality of accommodations that are available there.
It makes me want to travel more. Then experiences give you the confidence to travel alone because at leat you know you can go somewhere and meet people if you wanted to. Traveling as an Airbnb host, is also beneficial because you're more likely to get accept into a listing because you have reviews from guests and other hosts. Just keep doing what you do. You'll be fine. There's enough out here for everyone to continue hosting. My place has never been empty longer than two months at the most since I've been hosting. That was partly by choice too because I don't offer instant book, and I still get booked (after I do my own screening). They still always find my little old listing, one way or another.
@Danielle84 according to AirBnB's own explanations, being a SuperHost does not itself give you a boost in the search rankings.
Having good reviews and never cancelling and being responsive all *do* give you a boost (and also are necessary to be a SuperHost), but the SuperHost status itself is not supposed to be a factor in search rankings.
@Matthew285 I would have felt better about the 'Plus' roll out if Super Hosts had been acknowledged in search rankings more than they have been (historically), and if we had been occassionally 'featured' at the top of the search page, etc - In the manner that 'Plus' hosts now are (burying Super Hosts even more in the search rankings). Listening to the Q & A right now, supposedly we will be featured a bit more, but I don't see it yet. And in the new Airbnb home page, you must scroll past at least 6 other types of housing ('Houses around the World', etc) before you get to the Super Host 'type'. So Super Hosts are next to last on the new Home page. I felt disappointed by this.
I live in a rural / beach area and this 'Plus' roll out will not affect me much one way or another (it will not get here for a long time, if ever). However, as a Community member, I feel somewhat badly for traditional hosts who may feel a bit displaced by these changes. Some will benefit, no doubt, but many will not. For example, the new 'linens required' is already presenting problems for hosts around the world and may cause them to leave the platform, per other recent posts and comments I have read here.
@Rebecca181 I was in the audience at the Global Q&A today!
I got a chance to speak to Clair (?), the person who they called on to answer the questions about the SuperHost program. I forgot to ask her what they were going to do to increase the promotion of the SuperHosts. She did mention the extra text they include on the page to explain to the guests what a SuperHost is (to encourage the guests to select SuperHosts).
(This is her speaking at the Q&A)
@Matthew285 That is great you got to go! I would have felt somewhat frustrated had I been there. The first few questions were obviously carefully selected so more marketing / sales material could be rolled out. I wanted the 'hard' questions to be asked, such as, "Why are Super Hosts next to last on the new Home Page when you supposedly value us so highly?" And, "I'm not a Super Host but I offer a good deal to guests and nice accommodations - What will happen to me now, and what if I cannot meet the new requirements, like providing linens?" But that didn't happen, of course.
Is everyone as 'on board' with all theses changes as they seem? I noticed on the Facebook live feed last week only happy faces, thumbs up, 'wow' faces, and hearts flying past the screen. I have never seen that in my life. There is usually an angry face or two with that many people watching, and such a big platform change being announced, but I didn't see one sign of discontent. Most unusual. Was it 'Happy Land' there today at the Q & A 'live' as well?
@Rebecca181 I naturally did not get to watch the Facebook live feed, so I can't comment on the reaction stream. But in the live audience people seemed okay with the answers. It is a bit harder to get mad at the AirBnB execs when they are sitting right in front of you.
There was a very interesting feature to the day, though. At one point they turned off the cameras, let us know the cameras and live stream was off, and gave us 20 more minutes to ask questions from the audience. The theatre is not really that big, so I think there were only about 30 of us there. The questions were quite a bit more pointed and specific, but not at all negative.
I remember one lady who has 3 cats asked why Work Collection listings can't have pets on the property... especially since she was already hosting a lot of visiting AirBnB executives and prospective AirBnB employees traveling to do their interviews.
So not "Happy Land", but not discontent either. Rather people who know they want things improved and are trying to be heard.
I agree, those are my exact feelings . We have a very nice country home that we rent out a room ( a bedroom and sitting room) and I feel that what we are offering would not meet the fancy criteria of the plus status . Seems a bit unfair. Guests love our quiet country farm.
@Matthew285 I would have felt better about the 'Plus' roll out if Super Hosts had been acknowledged in search rankings more than they have been (historically), and if we had been occassionally 'featured' at the top of the search page, etc - In the manner that 'Plus' hosts now are (burying Super Hosts even more in the search rankings). Listening to the Q & A right now, supposedly we will be featured a bit more, but I don't see it yet. And in the new Airbnb home page, you must scroll past at least 6 other types of housing ('Houses around the World', etc) before you get to the Super Host 'type'. So Super Hosts are next to last on the new Home page. I felt disappointed by this.
I live in a rural / beach area and this 'Plus' roll out will not affect me much one way or another (it will not get here for a long time, if ever). However, as a Community member, I feel somewhat badly for traditional hosts who may feel a bit displaced by these changes. Some will benefit, no doubt, but many will not. For example, the new 'linens required' is already presenting problems for hosts around the world and may cause them to leave the platform, per other recent posts and comments I have read here.
We would love to be added to Airbnb Plus (and we do meet all of the criteria) but we are in a smaller market than most major cities that generally get first shot at these additions like "Airbnb Experiences". We may be in a smaller market but our tourist season in 365 days a year and we are booked 85% of that time. How long until Airbnb opens these additions to all Superhost's that meet the criteria?
Here is an article about this that just leaves me confused.
What are the new Superhost benifits they mention?
But, in the long run, I think our guests are smart enough to see around the fluff and decide for themselves. Those who want granite countertops and 50” tvs will go for the ‘luxury’. and those who want comfort and to be embedded in the locale will choose us.
Hello Beebers,
I would love to be a part of the new Airbnb Plus but I absolutely do not want to pay 149.- for you to come and 'look' at my listing!
I understand you are doing a 'soft' roll out so when you are ready to include Switzerland, this is what I propose:
You book my listing for 149.- ANONYMOUSLY to come and stay one night.
If you make appointments then hosts know to roll out the red carpet just for Airbnb so it's not a true and honest evaluation.
I think a 'visit' as you are proposing is not sufficient to know if a listing is worthy of a 'Plus' rating, it has to be an overnight stay.
In return I will offer a special discount of 20% AFTER the stay when Airbnb can reveal their decision as a review online if I am a successful candidate. Private results if unsuccessful with an explication.
This is a great way for Airbnb to SUPPORT their hosts instead of always profiting and penalising hosts. Show us you care.
Remember you need us as much as we need you and without us... there wouldn't be an Airbnb!
Superhost Suzanne 🙂
Totally agree. “Support” us Hosts...
I too am discouraged. I can do a lot but I can't conjure up a private bathroom. This new Plus initiative, along with constantly being pushed down underneath the instant book listings, makes things harder and harder. Airbnb promoted itself as a community and it was a great idea - a beautiful idea that we could travel the world, stay in homes, save money and be among locals. It's turning more and more into an unlicensed hotel listing site. There are other platforms and ways to rent out rooms. Unless things change I'll be phasing out airbnb and going a different way.