We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and A...
We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and Airbnb is refusing to help. Our host falsely accused us of breakin...
Just listened to the new updates for Airbnb on their FB Live and feel discouraged as a Host.
I don't have an emaculately designed modern home with features that "WOW" guests. I have a humble space for budget seeking travelers in a very expensive city (San Francisco).
Is Airbnb weeding people out instead of including everyone?
@Angela608 Airbnb plus is probably design for the big hotels and real estate agents who have been on the network for quite a long time appearing like casual hosts so i guess this will now make them standout.I totally agree with you it is unfair for the genuine home owners.Good luck!!!
Hi Elizabeth!
You've literally expressed all the issues I have myself with the Plus program, ever since my apartment was selected a month ago. Terrible photos that do not represent the apartment the way my own ones used to, silly poetic descriptions that tell you nothing and - whats worst - bookings dropped drastically, from being almost fully booked throughout the last year to literally a couple of 2-day reservations. I'm really considering to opt-out asap. Could you please update how it worked out for you?
I feel airbnb is really for the guest now rather than host and guest being equal.... i mean if you could achieve all the plus criteria you probably would be able to afford to live in the place yourself?!
I can tick lots of the boxes but I live in a typical 50's house where the wifi is awful and the water pressure is low (as they didn't have super efficient heating and washing machines, dishwashers etc etc)!
One thing no one seems to be mentioning in these threads about Airbnb Plus (so I am wondering if you are even aware of it or if you are just ok with it) -- a condition of joining Airbnb Plus is deleting your listing from every other platform out there except your own personal website. If you join you are agreeing to rent exclusively through Airbnb. Did those of you who joined Airbnb Plus know about this? Did you actually delete your listings from other platforms like they require? They never mention this mandatory requirement in the invitation they give you to join (at least not in mine -- I took a screenshot of the page and it's nowhere to be found) or in any of the emails they send you after you sign up for your photoshoot -- they bury this in the fine print a few clicks back behind layers of 'learn more' buttons. But their customer support confirmed yesterday that it is absolutely a requirement.
That is a deal-killer for me and I wish they had been much more transparent and up front about it in their invitation and subsequent emails -- it would have saved me a 2500 mile flight to my house in Hawaii to get her ready for their photoshoot and inspection, car rental costs, child care costs, etc. I learned about it inadvertently almost two weeks after I returned and I'm furious that I went to so much expense and hassle and time waste for nothing. If that had been clear up front it would have been a simple 'no way' for me without a second thought. Why? For the last few years, I reliably make about 55% of my house's rental income from other platforms, 45% from Airbnb (it used to be more 75/25 but Airbnb has been creeping up a little year over year). Why would anyone sane voluntarily give up 55% of their income for a chance at potentially boosting the other 45%? Especially with all the stories out there from folks about how Airbnb Plus didn't improve the bottom line at all? Would love to hear the community's thoughts. Did you know about this requirement? If you joined, did you comply with it?
We have had a very bad experience with air bnb plus. We where contacted to join plus and since they offered to waive the application fee and pay us $650 to compensate for our expenses we agreed to it. Photographer came out and submitted his pictures to the plus team. The photos were terrible. Dark, dreary, and not focusing on our strong points. The plus team asked us to make changes and we went along with all of their requests which translated into about $6000 of upgrades to furniture and art. We always met their deadlines. It took weeks for them to review the changes every time and then last night we received a form letter telling us that we do not meet their standards so will not be getting plus status.
We cooperated in good faith realizing that the deeper we got in to upgrading both in time and money the more it seemed like the only way to recoup our investment would be the increased bookings that the plus program suggested would be inevitable. It felt like we were working for them instead of self employed. And then they dropped us without explanation.
We complained about the process and the premium program guy on the phone said that plus is so backlogged that they are directed to drop everyone who has not jumped through all the hoops in a specific period of time. So we are out all that time and money with no possibility of ever recouping it because they are backlogged. Maybe a blessing in disguise.