Airbnb Trashed from House Party

Level 2
Kingston Park, Australia

Airbnb Trashed from House Party

Imagine getting a text at 3am from your neighbour to say that there is a party with over 300 people at your tiny 2 room row cottage. 
This is what happened to me.

Phoning the police on my way I arrived to see my little renovated heritage house with a smashed front window, door pulled off the hinges and people spilled out onto the street.

I accepted a booking for a couple who wanted somewhere to stay for their anniversary. It all sounded normal. Little did I know that it was a pre planned launch party for a new makeup brand.

The house was completely trashed, TV smashed, knife stab marks in the floor, kitchen and living room floor flooded with alcohol, furniture broken, toilets and sinks clogged and overflowing with vomit... the list goes on.

Estimates from builders were upwards of $25,000 but we managed to subcontract out and got it done for $13,000 after Airbnb said they would cover the cost under host protection. 3 months later an independent insurance assessor came back and offered a $5,000 payout. They said any funds for cleaning (which was over 7 days of cleaning) would have to be recouped from the guest. We were appalled! 
Needless to say we attempted to claim back the cleaning fee from the guest but Airbnb has kicked the guests off Airbnb and is now offering a $100 contribution to our $2,500 cleaning bill!

Not only that but we had to cancel almost $3,000 of bookings which Airbnb has declined to reimburse us for.

we have now got to the point where we cannot afford to pay the trades who did the work and have no idea what to do.

has anyone else been in this position? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Munnsville, NY

Wow @Harriet121 , that is awful, I'm so sorry to hear that.   Sounds like you need to take the guests to court.   

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What an awful situation.


I agree it sounds like you need to take the guests to court and/or claim on your home insurance for STRs. @Harriet121 

Level 10
Brant, Canada

I am sorry that this horror happened to you and this is the story that all hosts dread. I have no direct experience but I think the $5,000 will probably be the maximum from Airbnb. Assuming the guest left accurate personal information with Airbnb I would investigate before I consider a lawsuit. If the guests have few assets getting a judgement may be cold comfort. You will probably win in court but if they have no assets or no steady job can you collect. I would suggest claiming under your personal insurance company. Good luck.