
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Airbnb asks for personal info already on file

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Airbnb asks for personal info already on file

I have a request in my dashboard from Airbnb, to provide personal details that they already have. I must provide this info that is already there in order to prevent a pause in my payouts. What the H E double hockey sticks? I already have little to no trust in Airbnb, and this doesn't help. I'm very uncomfortable with the mention of 'payouts'. Has anyone else encountered this and/or an associated problem with payouts? It just makes no sense. 

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

I mean, how can I input info that's there already? Do I have to delete it and re add it to make sure the system recognizes I've complied, so my payouts don't stop?? Unreal. 

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland


Although they never inform hosts of the reasons why, typically, Airbnb requires hosts to update their personal data in regions where they're preparing to hand over current user data to local authorities (tax office, councils etc). More often than not, this is as part of whatever deal they've reached with the region's governing bodies. 


Do keep a very close eye on your payouts though, because there have been many, many reports of hosts experiencing issues with receiving their funds, after having updated their details. 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

"there have been many, many reports of hosts experiencing issues with receiving their funds, after having updated their details." 


This is what worries me. Thanks @Susan17 

Sorry @Colleen253, I didn't mean to worry you, but it's always better to be aware of these possibilities just in case they do occur - at least then, you'll catch them straight away, and be able to pinpoint the exact root cause of the problem (always preferable to having Airbnb "investigate" themselves, and take forever and a day to put two and two together!)


And lots of hosts do manage to update their info without any issues at all, so hopefully that will be the case for you too 🙂

@Susan17  I get it, and totally agree! 🙂

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Colleen253 I'd call CS... not that they always know what they're talking about, but maybe.


Also, do all of this only thru the dashboard, not from an email link. You knew that already of course, just stating the obvious for posterity.



I had something like this happen recently (not ABB) where a business sent blanket notice to add xyz, to EVERYONE, even those of us who already had xyz in our accounts. My feedback to them was that it made them look silly to ask people to do something that was already done. There surely is a filter that can [ if, then ] and only send that notice to people who have blanks in those fields. But we all know that sensibility isn't always on the menu.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada


"I'd call CS... not that they always know what they're talking about, but maybe."  That's why I haven't, I'm a little afraid it might trigger some epic new problem of the proportions I can't even begin to fathom. Kind of like the way their platform tweaks and 'improvements' seem to trigger bugs and glitches.


I suppose it makes sense (sense and there's an oxymoron) that they might be looking to automatically make sure all info is current, as @Susan17  mentions. I'm just hoping updating my info doesn't actually set off a pause in payouts anyway. It's happened to others apparently.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Colleen253  I got the notice to update info about 6 months ago. All I did was to go to my account and there was something that said to review the info and click saying it was correct. Not sure if it was the same type of update request, but it wasn't a big deal (I didn't have to upload a new photo) and it didn't affect my payouts or anything else.

Level 10


I got what sounds like an identical email around Christmas time. Mentioned the pause in payouts etc. Wanted me to re enter my personal details and bank details - there were links to do this.  I strongly believed this was to do with sharing info with councils or the tax office, but they didn't' specify that.

It was around the time lots and lots of hosts were reporting difficulties getting paid out, so i put it off for as long as possible.

I finally bit the bullet - entered my name gender date of birth,   the link said "now we are going to ask you to update your banking details" I clicked next adn got taken to "where would you like to stay?" and was in traveller mode.

I never ended up entering bank details adn I waited with baited breath to see if everything was all buggered up. For me no.  NO pause in payouts adn the algorithm thingy seems to think I"ve done what they asked, even though I didn't ( although I did TRY to)   .....

It REALLY doesn't inspire confidence does it?

@Rowena29  No it doesn't. And that sounds like classic ABB 'fun house' hoohah!

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Sarah977 Hmm, this is a bit different in that I'm supposed to add details already there. And am given a deadline in order to avoid a pause. So I'm not entirely sure how best to proceed. I'm probably over thinking it, but then again, but can anyone fault me for that, when it's an ABB thing?

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Also, this from Airbnb:

Other ways we confirm your identity

......We’ll be able to make sure you’re really you when you add your legal name and address (this should match where you get banking documents or utility bills). We’ll match this information with secure third-party databases.


re 'this should match where you get banking documents..." In the dashboard message requesting I add my (already added) details, it asks for: 


"Your home address. This is the address for where you live". Well, because I'm rural, I get my banking documents etc at a PO box in the nearest town, not at my municipal address. I wouldn't be stressing over this if it weren't for the threat of a pause in payouts. And calling Airbnb is not going to relieve my uncertainty, as you cannot trust an answer from anyone there.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Same last year. I was travelling, originally thought it was a scam email & ignored (as I’d already uploaded all this information a year before) 


Anyway my payments did stop. Eventually phoned CS. They said only way to unlock the account was to upload the information requested. I did this, and within a couple days all the backdated payments came through. 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@David6 Well that's good to hear, but I'm amazed your paused payments got restarted. There are so many posts on here about payouts problems...hosts out thousands of dollars.