I have a request in my dashboard from Airbnb, to provide personal details that they already have. I must provide this info that is already there in order to prevent a pause in my payouts. What the H E double hockey sticks? I already have little to no trust in Airbnb, and this doesn't help. I'm very uncomfortable with the mention of 'payouts'. Has anyone else encountered this and/or an associated problem with payouts? It just makes no sense.
Whatever you do, don't not comply, @Colleen253, because then your payouts definitely will be halted. Try not to worry over it - there's a far greater chance you'll be absolutely fine, than not. And besides, most of the withholding caused by this particular payout issue, are as a result of hosts failing to provide the requested information. You'll be grand 🙂
Many of the problems reported here in CC re. this issue was due to failure to comply with request for update by deadline date. Everyone is given few weeks or a month to comply. Many just ignored it and then wondered why....