Airbnb business model?

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Airbnb business model?

I've been thinking about this with recent changes. Ages ago there was a Dublin host named Susan who did a deep dive into ABB booking algorithms among other things. Like many hosts she no longer posts here and I would be surprised if she hadn't left Airbnb. What she posited is that ABB only wants hosts to have about a 5 yr shelf life and that it's model depends on turn over for new hosts. Much like a restaurant, if the same table stays forever it takes away from your ability to seat more people and profit. Unlike a restaurant there's not a finite number of hosting houses are built, people sell and buy, open up rooms etc. Though the supply is not inexhaustible it's not anywhere near touching the bottom of the hosting pool yet.


As new hosts come in, stricter rules and higher fees are just the norm. Experienced hosts can pound sand or get onboard. This way ABB can keep inventory fresh and control more about what hosts do. 


Conspiracy theory? Or do you think this is the actual model?


46 Replies 46

Susan was removed from the forum. She didn’t leave voluntarily. No one was happy about that, btw. 😢

Yeah, they don't like people who are outspoken.