We are have so many room to selling for guest shots staying ...
We are have so many room to selling for guest shots staying or longer staying and all room with private bathrooms with hot tu...
I have been a super host for 7 years with over 2000 guest and always doing my best to be better I have 2 places that are a plus (now down to 1)
I would like to share with you a horror experience that I had with arbnb safety team. (Sorry for my English its not my first language)
On the day after new years of 2020 a guest book my 4 bedroom house for 2 nights with 5 guest I welcome her and verified it will be only 5 guest and explained that no visitors are allowed in my house and she confirmed its only going to be 5 guests.
At around 1:00 a.m. I got 3 phone calls from my neighbours that a party is taking place in my house. I called immediately to the guest And she replied that no parties taking place and their only 6 people in my house. I then check the ring camera outside my house and noticed That over 40 guests arrived in my house I quickly rushed over there and knocked on the door my door has a glass window you could see through it I saw many people running and hiding inside the house she then open the doorAnd told me "what is the problem?" I nicely explained to her that parties are not allow in my house she Said there is no party here and there only 6 people in the houseI told that it's not true and I saw through the window and with my ring camera over 40 guest (By the way side note I was holding my camera on my phone and filmed the entire conversation with her knowledge) I asked to enter the house to verify the amount of guest she told me to give her a few minutes because she was not "decent "(which was a lie) I waited outside until she let me in After she let me in I was extremely nice and also afraid but I try to break down the party I told that I do not want to call the police all I want is for them to leave the house there where about 50 guests in my house hiding under the bed inside the closet and in the bathrooms and in the backyard They treated me as if I was 6 years old and I cannot see the people hiding Of course I pointed out and most people left after a long hour of conversation and more conversation I was trying to keep it cool and nice so would not escalate to something violent from their side there were all drunk and very disappointed and upset Many of the guest demanded their money back from the main guest Which indicated to me that she had a party which she charged money at the front Needless to remind you that this is in Los Angeles during civid and stay at home order was in place
This probably sound to many of you a horrible experience but this was nothing for what coming next Airbnb was absolutely embarrassing with their treatment for this issue The guest took a boom Box that had a camera on it probably like an Alexa device Placed it on my dresser took a photo and reported to air B and B that I was filming her inside the house Within minutes my account and my properties were shut down without any confirmation without asking anything and with no one to speak to Yes no one to speak to!!! Safety team of air B and B it's like God Almighty You cannot call them you cannot talk to them you can only email to them and by the way there are located in Europe Which mean the only time they will email you is between 11:00 p.m. my time to 7:00 a.m. my time the time that I usually go to sleep They always giving me 24 hours to reply but they take 2 weeks to reply back They ignore every statement that I made they did not reply to any question that I had I asked in many of my emails why are you not replying to my concern and questions I provided endless screenshot videos and statement from my neighbours showing behind Any reasonable doubt that I had a party in my house with 50 guest And they were asking me why do you call it a party? It was unbelievable experience the most disrespectful I have ever experienced My place is completely off the platform they made a final decision that I was recording inside the house which is against arbnb rules By the way a side note I am very aware of this rule in general and I have great respect for privacy I will never record anybody inside my house. The decision was final I was never given the opportunity to reply to any evidence that she may have provided I never give the opportunity to answer back or to appeal the decision I would like to mention that in the past 3 years this is not the 1st time that a guest lied about me having a recording device in the house This is Apparently an known trick that some guest understand and know to use when they want their money back yes you heard it right if you go to a A house and you would like to get your money back all you have to do is complain about safety issue such as recording device no questions ask you will get your money back you don't even have to prove it And I was a victim A few times for a fake accusation of such thingWhen I call air B and B every single representative I spoke to (at list 50 of them) The all sympathise with me And completely shocked by my story Guest are now way more sophisticated there's a lot of them who knows the loopholes I feel betrayed disrespected by airbnb I would like to also mention that during my 7 years experience I never ever got any money from their insurance no matter how many documents or proofs I had it was always end up in nothing.
I spoke to many other colleagues host just like myself who had very similar experience And sounds like I am not alone there is definitely something wrong with this system We should definitely get together and make our voice heard
If anyone has doubt in these facts I welcome you to do experience and have a guest report a fake camera inside your house and see if u can fight it I guarantee it will happen to you
I literally had a similar experience 3 weeks ago regarding a party.
I'm sorry for your experience.
I hope your case gets further investigated.
It won't get further investigated @Bez8 . There are literally hundreds and hundreds of posts in the CC with the exact same problem. This host @Moziko0 will be side-lined and ignored. Situation normal.
Since the pandemic, Airbnb has become a bottom-feeder. Attracting the worst kind of guests. Why? Because of guest-centric policies and the absence of taking a refundable security deposit up front. Guests know they can and will get away with it.
You want something for your HAB agenda? Airbnb should give hosts the option to apply an upfront refundable security deposit. It should be the host's choice. And the host should be able to charge against that deposit according to need as required without involvement or interference from CS. Every other OTA platform does this. Hotels keep the guest's credit card details so they can also charge for damages, theft or extra cleaning.
Airbnb shouldn't complain too much about giving hosts the option to apply a security deposit and should in fact like the notion a whole lot. The company will get to hold that money until the booking is completed, and that at present, is something they actually need, increased cash flow.
We have just finished our summer peak season here Down Under, last season - problem guests = 0. This season, problem guests = 6. The serious decline in guest quality has been noticed by many hosts.
CS is outsourced to a variety of low paid workers with no authority and reading from a script. Hosts cannot get resolution because these workers just don't care. Call turnover is all that matters (bec. that is how they are paid) and they have instructions not to refund more than $1.50 per 15 calls. Not exactly respectful to hosts.
Airbnb, with its well known pro-guest policies is attracting the worst guests so we can safely host on other platforms.
Such a shame huh? @Branka-and-Silvia0 This platform could so easily be so much more than what it currently is.
We have a few more ABNB bookings for Feb and March but after that my calendar is default blocked to Airbnb guests. Expedia, Booking or Free-to-Book guests only for us from then on. This last summer peak season was the final straw.
The probs we had with guests were not huge (nobody totally trashed our property) but if it had been a simple matter to charge extra for cleaning or minor damage, we would have. 3 separate guests left us urine stains on rugs or the floor, one picked the lock on our linen press, and 2 others broke blind cords. None of them mentioned a single thing, just checked out without a word to us. Not biggie issues but still, if I had the capacity to charge a nominal amount without having to deal with CS, I would have.
I felt so much more respected, valued, trusted, treated as a real partner and equal when we started getting bookings from other platforms who take the security deposit upfront. Liked that feeling so much.
Have another local host friend who gets 90% of her business from Booking - she routinely charges against the security deposit when guests throw up their winery tour contents onto her bed linen. They just toss the soiled stuff and replace it, charge the guest. She's never had anyone responsible for that behaviour query or complain about the extra charges. They know they are guilty. Sounds like heaven to me.
@Sharon1014 @Ute42 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Moziko0
I just hope we can collectively starting seeing the changes to help with this
I'm so outrage there should be a better platform made