Airbnb donation: should host and employee lives matter as much?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Airbnb donation: should host and employee lives matter as much?

It goes without saying that what happened to George Floyd is despicable and this thread is not about that. The question is: should a company that cannot meet contractual obligations to its partners (hosts of colors and backgrounds) and just laid off 1900 humans be giving a half a million dollar donation, no matter how worthy the cause is. For those not aware- Airbnb announced .5 mil dollar donation to Black lives matter

128 Replies 128
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

In Britain, people 'who wish to remain civilised' and highlight civil rights concerns, do much more than write to their MPs @Mike-And-Helen0 


We take part in protests to reclaim the night to keep our streets safe for women. We take part in 'sleep out's' to raise awareness of homelessness, we take part in peaceful protests against racists gathering to spread hatred in our communities, we have children coming together in their thousands in cities across the country to protest about the impact we are having on our environment.


Sadly you will always find factions, who try to take advantage of these activities for their own ends and others who just join in to encourage violence and looting.


That doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to be involved in peaceful protest to affect change.



@Verlean1 are you a host? I did not see a property in your profile or any previous comments or posts. This post is about a different subject. I ask you do not hijack it

I am a host and I am not hijacking the conversation. This was about the donation to black lives matter and the riots that have been occurring. I am a rightful member of AirBnB as you are. 

@Verlean1  I think the point that Inna was making to you was not whether you have the right to post here, but that her thread was meant to be a discussion on whether Airbnb should be making donations to other organizations when they have just let go 1900 employees supposedly due to financial problems. It could have been a donation to Save the Children, or any other of a multitude of worthwhile organizations to support.

Like very often happens on public forums, though, threads get derailed by someone seizing on one aspect of the topic and driving the thread in another direction. The issues addressed by BLM and the protests certainly are and should be a topic of discussion and action and financial support among people, but this was meant to be a thread about whether Airbnb should be donating at all to other causes, when they don't have their own house in order, that's all.

Many of us would have been happy to see Airbnb come out with a statement in support of BLM,  but when they don't seem to have enough money on hand to have a suitably responsive customer service staff, or employ experienced tech staff who aren't constantly creating glitches in the functioning of the platform, we don't necessarily think they should be giving money away to anyone except the hosts and guests who rely on proper functioning of the platform, and hiring competent and enough service personnel to deal with the issues of their users.

It's like donating to the food bank when your own children are starving.

@Verlean1 which part of my post said anything about riots? My post was about donations, not about a donation to a specific organization. I specifically said it was not a discussion about the cause itself. Listening (on in this case reading) what others have to say is what is going to move all of us forward. If you keep repeating your own agenda, you will never hear others and will never be heard.

@Verlean1 , I see what you did there but one thing you missed was the spot you might have lost me if I weren't interested in what you had to say is "White", I think my picture is high enough resolution to show that type of kindergarten color identification doesnt really do justice to visually describing my aged and less than consistently colored shell of a body, the hues and shades are all mine, I earned them through hard work and some from stupid mistakes but "White" I am not (and actually never have been "White" like Edgar Winter, my mom the artist would agree)!!!!!! 


I understand thats easier than saying the old light skinned guy with battle scars from living and 8 shades of grey and brown hair but thats who I am the same way I would not be doing justice by looking at your picture and describing you as a younger black woman!  Your looks are so much more to my eyes than darker skin, you deserve to be recognized for who you are.   In 2020, thats what we need to see not White, Black, Red, Yellow and Brown.   5 colors is no way to parse 8 billion human petunias in our great melting pot world.  I'm a human of many colors as are most of the humans I've met, in my community, state, nation and different countries I have traveled to are as well.  


The problem we are all faced with today isnt a hatred of particular skin color issue by the masses, its a perception of it's importance by the few narrow minded individuals that exploit it as either a desirable or undesirable feature of humanity, it is neither of those, its just skin pigment.  Now heres the part where I explain that in my lifetime things have changed even if we still only see 5 colors cause people like MLK and millions of folks lives he touched joined together as citizens of our nation to demand equal Rights for everyone within  its borders.  His peaceful marches and clear visions inspired the masses from all walks of life and every color under the sun, he gave his life to unite us all under one flag. 


Its easier to make laws than change all minds, we must never stop trying but some will only stop hating when they have outlived their bodies, I know that not a perfect answer but its probably more true than not.   Stay well, JR 



Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Inna22  I couldn't disagree with you more.    This is about solidarity in support of a movement, and companies all over the spectrum are stepping up and pledging funds (which they may or may not be able to afford at this point, but are digging deep)  to support all kinds of programs.  


It's not about the 1900 employees that Airbnb laid off. It's about the employees who remain with the company.  Employees of all races and denominations.  Many are deeply hurt. 


And, by the way, this has all just happened in the last week - way after any financial decisions or contractual obligations made or entered into before this event occurred. 




Actually, I'm rethinking. I see your point, Michelle. Thank you for your well spoken thoughts. 

Level 2
Scottsdale, AZ

WOW. That chaps my hide. My home was trashed, 10k of damage, and airbnb only reimbursed me for the biohazard cleaning. Guest booked under a false name and swiftly had a middle of the night gang bang party.  3 Police reports later (a stabbing too, no less), I got CLEANING.  Rephrase: Not cleaning, place was still a mess. I was assured it was no longer a safety hazard with 100 people partying during Covid. 

I encourage everyone who has a voice and deep pockets to use both of those things during this incredibly difficult time. But being Airbnb cannot seem to take care of it's own...Tone deaf is most accurate. 


Level 2
Guayabo, Costa Rica

Look at the turn out as the result of the most recent wrongful death, namely George Floyd. People around the world are demanding Justice.

Can we turn this clamor for Justice to a broader more serious breach of Justice, "HUMAN LIVES MATTER" i.e. the senseless slaughter of tens of thousands of deaths daily, worldwide in the name of War.

Protest the end of Arms Manufacturing. Without bullets, morters, rockets, missiles,  bombs, and all the other ways we use to destroy each other, there would be hope for real Justice. WE THE PEOPLE, Unite now and demand CHANGE.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

The police officer who killed the suspect Floyd IS IN JAIL! And has been charged. And presumably will be found guilty of murder, & sentenced accordingly. JUSTICE HAS ALREADY BEEN SERVED!


So that should be the end of the matter, ONE murderer, one victim; No need for the rest of the world to make such a fuss! It's over! - Now it's just left-wing extremists with some other agenda, using the matter to stir up trouble & anarchy... It's on UK TV all the time... 


I'm with you @William575  on the 'Human Lives Matter' - Bit racist to single out one race for mattering, as if others don't!

@Helen350  With all due respect, what you have just said here indicates that you have zero understanding of this issue. This isn't about one man being murdered by police- it is systemic racism that is experienced by blacks and other minorities every single day of their lives. And people have had enough. George Floyd's murder was the catalyst. Justice has not been served. Far from it.


@Helen350 your "it's not just black lives that matter, it's ALL lives" whining is akin to interrupting Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream speech with an insistence on the right to tell everyone about the dream you had last night. You really dont get it, do you? 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

I get it @Garrett48 . It's just that there  are multiple ways to interpret events. DISAGREEMENT does not equal 'not getting it',  just as disagreement is not hatred!


As for MLK, I've read that he was a serial adulterer, & it's said he once watched a rape & encouraged the perpetrator to continue. So I personally wouldn't put him on a pedestal.


There were 16,214 murders in the USA in 2018, more in the two previous years. 


- To take to the streets over the Minneapolis killing (rather than all the others) is using, an unlawful event for POLITICAL purposes, & providing a climate for mass acts of civil disturbance/ anti-social behaviour.


Racism is an individual attitude of heart & mind. That's what needs to change, the heart.

It's sad - and kind of alarming - that you cant even recognise your prejudices @Helen350 


This is the precise mindset that brought  Trump to power, festered the jingoistic stupidity of Brexit... and so many other immense *bleep*stains on our world.