Airbnb poor management and communication

Level 1
Ashland, OR

Airbnb poor management and communication

We’re tired of Airbnb calling us (we are super hosts) and threatening us with withholding bookings until we provide tax i.d. information. The callers accent is extremely difficult for me to understand. We have provided the tax information to Airbnb through the app but are still receiving threatening calls.


Communicating with Airbnb is terrible and disorganized. We canceled working with VRBO due to sloppy disorganized management. We may do the same with Airbnb unless they get their act together.


Tim and Becky Muser (Super hosts)

Ashland, Oregon 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Montreal, Canada



Unfortunately, we here those kind of comments about AirBNB Customer Service more and more often here … it is terrible 😢 

