
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Airbnb representative refuse remove review which is not relevant to the low stars feedback on my account.

Level 1
Panama City Beach, FL

Airbnb representative refuse remove review which is not relevant to the low stars feedback on my account.

The guest simply make a damage my brand are appliances , when I opened a claim for cover necessarily repairs, guest try switch problem to others people and revenge me with low stars feedback which is not relevant to the review. The Airbnb refuse properly do review my case and decide keep it to cover up guest who simply broke house rules.

Any idea to moving my case forward to the right person at Airbnb to solve a problem?

Thanks in advance

4 Replies 4

@Vladimir287  If you're talking about the most recent review, unfortunately I don't see anything about it that violates the content policy or would justify the removal. The review had both positive and negative remarks, but the overall tone leans heavily toward a negative rating. I think it's clear that the negativity is colored largely by the damage claim, but the commentary doesn't present as purely retaliatory in nature.


The best you can probably do is post a public response with future guests in mind as the audience, calmly addressing any inaccuracies or issues that have been resolved since the feedback was written. Just don't make the common mistake of coming off as angry or vindictive in the response - this does more damage than a critical review alone ever could. 

The problem comes from Aibnb policy, Guest was happy to stay and got the best assistance for they needs, Aftermath, when guest check out and realize can't get away from the payment of claim, then guest try revenge to apply negative, not relevant to the service by host. The tone doesn't need to be aggressive , depending from a person. people realize with not friendly tone, they review will be removed. Lady try victimize her situation and make possible damage  to the host. If you not real worries about your reputation, then it's fine, but I did service all my life and try keep it the best.

@Vladimir287  It's long been my position that in stays that end in damage claims or cancellations, Airbnb should publish the text reviews but remove the star ratings for both parties. This would limit the potential for retaliation while still respecting everyone's right to present their side of the story. But I don't happen to agree that one person's worry for their reputation is sufficient reason to censor someone else.


I don't make the policy, so we work with what we've got. Demanding money from a guest is always likely to make them upset enough to write an unflattering review, so you have to weigh the benefit of compensation against the risk of reputational damage and decide whether it's worth it to you. Notably, the more ratings you accumulate, the less impact a single one will have on your listing, so the formula changes with each stay. Since you're a relatively new host, I'm afraid your risk/reward calculation was a bit off this time.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Vladimir287 I am not sure I would respond at all. The guest's review appears, to a 3rd party, balanced and fair. Of course I don't know the truth but neither do your future guests.