Airbnb suspend listing for low rating, but rating is 4.58 which is not low. will be delete my listing soon

Level 1
Alicante, Spain

Airbnb suspend listing for low rating, but rating is 4.58 which is not low. will be delete my listing soon

Hi everybody


Recently I received email from airbnb that they suspended my listing for low rating and in 2 months they will delete it. But the rating is 4.58. I sent to review and received reply which is not helping me to understand the real issue and so I cant improve. 

Is anybody has or had the same issue. I dont think its normal to remove listing with ranking 4.58/5, maybe im wrong


Please advice 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Your first listing shows an average rating of 3.25, which is below Airbnb standards.

4.58 is also below Airbnb srtandards, see "insight" menu for more details