Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
I started being a host 7 months ago, and also became a superhost. In that time I've had only a few instances of minor damages in the 20-30$ range.
Which all was either paid by the guest or paid by airbnb if they declined almost immediately.
However a week ago I had my worst experience with a guest so far : Everything was ok untill their last night in my apartment. Where they had been cooking some stew in a pot, and lacking all common sense and basic judgment they took this pot directly of the kitchen plate and carried it into the living room and placing it on my wood dining table (there were coaster and plates in plain sight in the kitchen, but these were ignored) And by the look of things they left it there quite awhile leaving a circular, very deep and dark burn mark.
They did not tell me about this either, I guess they had hoped that I wouldn't see it untill next guest arrived. But I did see it that following morning and I confronted them with it. And they admitted they had an "accident"
This table costed 700$ new and is a hole wood table meant for 6 people and weighs 60kilo/140pounds (not an IKEA table that comes in parts that needs to be screwed together) This is bought in one big piece and can't be taken apart.
I requested 160$ (which is what a professional furniture restoration service which is 1km away from me told me it would cost over the phone to sand file the table and re oil it) he said 150-200$. So I think my request is actual modest in consideration.
However this was instantly declined by the guest, and then when I contacted Airbnb aircover about this is when the story becomes interesting ;
I provided the following things
1) pictures of the damaged areas
2) screen shots of the guest admission of guilt
3) a link to the website that sells the table with price and model number
4) a link to the website of the shop I intend to use
I get a reply from Airbnb stating I need to provide the following information
invoice and receip of cleaning/restoration of the table
original receip of the table (who saves a paper receip for furniture? it's not like it has warranty like electronical products, not to mention those paper slips fade in a year)
And I have to provide this within December 8 or the case will close
I tried sending a email reply to their email (2 days ago no reply) Which I point out the problems with this, I have to rent a van (provided a link to the app I'll use) because this table cannot be carried 1Km down the street or taken on metro, and it doesn't fits in a normal car. I cannot physically carry this by myself down my apartment block outside.
So what I have to do is this : I have to get a friend to help me carry it, rent the van that day, take it to the shop (up to a weeks waiting time untill they fix it as it's a queue) Once it's fixed get the receip, have a friend come with me again, rent a van again and take it back home. All this before December 8? And I don't even know if it will be approved.
I get a feeling Airbnb is making this as difficult and bureaucratic as possible, so that hosts will fail or give up claiming damages.
This ordeal has turned me of continuing to host, what sort of nasty issues I could get it if someone actually damages something more valueable, like TV/couch or worse, structural damages like the wood panel floors. Put at burn mark there or water damages and it can be 4000-5000$ easily.
I would love to hear other hosts stories with damages that are substanial and how airbnb dealt with it. Thanks
Yeah aircover is bull**bleep**. They cut my request Aswell. I asked for 1800Nok (180 euro) they gave me 120 euro. For no reason other than that’s what “they” estimated the cost for fixing the table. Even tho it’s not the case. And in the end when I dragged my table there they said it would cost 250euro. So In the end I took the money and bought a new table Instead and when I have guests I use a table cloth that’s fastened by straps to my new table.
Airbnb are just cheap and difficult with higher payouts. When you request small amount for simple things broken like cooking utensils or sheets they give you money on the same day as request without questions asked.
Unfortunately Airbnb Aircover team they are using the same tactics of bad insurance companies, Their so called Airbnb Claim Ambassadors try to avoid, delay and reduce the total amount need to be paid.
Yes, after submitting all documents needed they keep changing their Airbnb Claim ambassadors, their claim ambassadors when emailed don't reply back.
If just Airbnb have the respect to use a similar standard that they use for their superhost maximum 24hour to respond OTHERWISE YOU LOOSE YOUR SUPERHOST STATUS.
I had four claim ambassadors so far and my resolution center case still a waste of my efforts and energy.
Lower your expectations, AirCover is a hoax insurance.
@Christoffer17 all of this carry on about the table , do you not realise a carpenter or someone of that nature can do these repairs in your house.Someone who does floor restoration would probably be your first point of call . .these things are not cheap but taking the table to someone is just silly . I am not sure how you would take damaged floors downtown . All the best as someone said ,Airbnbs are not the place for personal treasures H
First of all :Just a normal carpenter is not trained how to restore wood tables, and unless provided with the right color shade of oil/paint etc won't have these at hand, unlike the service I mentioned.
Second if that was the case, does it sound practical to to sand file a table in a living room full of furniture? If someone comes to sandfile a wood floor, you generally don't have furniture or things in the room such work would take place right? But I suppose you think it will be easier to move everything else out of my living room rather than just the table :') (heavy bookshelf, big couch)
I don't know about Australia, and where you live. But these furniture repair shops do not do home calls in Norway. They got their workshop with all the paints, oils, sandpiper, machines and tools in their shop.
Your comment is useless and you clearly have no experience dealing with restorations of furniture or said services. And you did not contribute to the conversation theme, which was peoples experience with aircover.
So far so good...only problem is the representatives:
Each time that I submit a claim, every representative answers with the same template: ''working hard to solve this, but I'll be out of the office for 3 days''.