Anchorage AK here- Unfair requests from Airbnb to have air conditioning

Level 10
Anchorage, AK

Anchorage AK here- Unfair requests from Airbnb to have air conditioning

#1 respect to those overseas and and in the US  going through heat waves


I understand everyone else has air conditioning. I don't  have air conditioning,  We have fans in every room.


Everytime I call Airbnb, they ask me if I have air conditioning. Airbnb is demanding with the requests    


A better question, is do I have heat!


All summer long, people have been pulling out comforters/blankets, turning up the heat, and turning on my electric fireplace - in the middle of summer!


What can I tell these CS reps? AK median summer temp is NOT warm enough for air conditioning unless your are in Fairbanks.

26 Replies 26
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



@Maia29 wrote, "Everytime I call Airbnb, they ask me if I have air conditioning." So, I'm assuming it's not them calling her, it's whenever she calls them about another issue.


Definitely odd. Unlike you, I do call Airbnb from time to time (I find I usually get a quicker response than by email or chat) and they have never, ever asked me about amenities. I just get the usual BOT questions  about my amenities that everyone else does and the lovely 'opportunities' suggestions, which have included, "Hey, why don't you add WiFi to your listing in a country where it is hardly ever hot?"

Yes, @Huma0 , but @Maia29 said in a post further down:  "I'm telling you they even CALL me out of the blue regularly to ask me if I added air conditioning yet."

That makes me think it isn't Airbnb at all. Competitor or jokester brother-in-law? That sort of thing?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Well, it's very mysterious, but even if it was some sort of scam or joke, she wouldn't be asked the same question when she calls up Airbnb, unless she has the wrong number!


The whole thing is truly bizarre. I've never had any CS rep even mention amenities to me. The only 'advice' I have been given at tall regarding my listings was recently, when they looked into my low views (obviously caused by the Summer Release), which was to lower my prices, shorten my minimum stay and open up blocked dates. There was no suggestion at all to add anything to or to change my listing.


Perhaps one rep has put a note on @Maia29 's file about air conditioning and that's why the question keeps popping up over and over.

A note on the file is possible, @Huma0 , and, you're right, the likeliest explanation for such weirdness. I guess I picture me, if it were me, complaining to the family about being asked to put in AC, and then Bob, the jokey BIL, phoning with the prank. I know. Bob needs more to do. 

For awhile I was bugged that I kept getting notifications to add a crib (rock-a-bye baby on the tree top...) and wifi (build a tower? with a platform on it for a crib maybe?), but they never called about it. As you can see, I had my answers ready if they did. 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, I am kind of sick of the child friendly suggestions, such as cot (same thing as crib, I guess?) when I clearly state that my listing is not child friendly and that I do not accept children....

Perhaps those The Best In The World ABNB Ambasadors are calling you from a very very very hot countires and not aware that Earth is big? 


Where did Maia go?

@David8879 Its a simple pratfall. Airconditioning makes people cold. Alaska is cold ,very cold.People who live where it is hot need aircon but not in Alaska. To ask , even once if you have added Aircon to an Alaskan, is like selling ice to an  Esqimuax, a joke . Get over yourselves people .H

@David8879  :)!! I actually did tell one of the CS reps, that I'm over here freezing my butt off, it's rarely over 60 degrees farenheit here. Go on NOAA and check out the weather history!


Most of the CS reps that answer when I call are  live in warm places.

Level 10
Redmond, OR

This narrative of a crazy conflict of reality might be a result of ABB using A I too  excessively that what you are communicating with  a robot.  Suggest you submit to robot an icon of an igloo, a snow man, snow flakes, etc. and then add to your detailed description section of your listing  some information about the place, the fire place,  stress always cozy. and next to the AC question just Check the box, you know your place will never need anything more than opening the window at night to let the night time air flow into the room. be sure to describe in your detailed remakes how wonderful the night are is an yow pure the water and the air all the tim.eeeee


My apologies to all... how dumb down my remarks were then and still now... we use hosts that we know a lot about an arcane reality called hosting... and we also know that the truth is today the public does not know know appreciate the qualitative nor quantitative difference between a hotel room and a place to stay.  Very well, as matters unfold and reveal them selves we shall all come to know the difference between a place to be and a place to stay.  The public just needs to know and be willing to serve that difference.  And AirBnb needs to to want to be always the place for that difference. 

Level 10
Charleston, SC


After the Summer Release both AC and Heat were checked off for my amenities. This is the only time its happened to me in past 2.5 years. So they may also have been verifying that you don't have AC as many others may have it and their's also became unchecked from the same bug.

But while it may be very cold there, other cool climates are experiencing prolonged and more frequent heat waves, and quite frankly host don't have much experience with it, and have unrealistic expectations for guest. I just added an additional ductless AC/Heat in mine, and prefer guest to set it whatever temp they want between 68-74 and leave it. 

Level 10
Marbella, Spain

I'm  the coast in southern Spain where it is mandatory to have airco to get a rental permit.  With the lovely sea breeze in my microclimate, we usually do not need it most of the year and the only guests I have who have arrived and turned it on to 68 degrees leaving it on 24/7 have been guests from USA southern states  and middle east.

In general I my philosophy is: if you are missing an amenity you don't want to provide but that guests expect, make it super clear all over your listing and communication that you don't have it.

And then at one point, make a decision when it gets more painful and annoying to you to persist in not providing it then to just install the amenity.  All the best and happy hosting in Alaska!  Come over to visit me if you want some sun!