Anyone know a good journalist?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

Anyone know a good journalist?

I was wondering if anyone knows a good journalist. I was hoping they could do an article on the much vaunted Host Advisory Board's achievements over the last year. It wouldn't need to be a very long piece.

And while I am here - Do we have new people on the board now?

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Mike-And-Jane0 “It wouldn't need to be a very long piece.”


Your sarcastic humor just makes my day. 😂

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Who knows @Mike-And-Jane0  sadly the 'advisory board' rarely makes an appearance on here either to support with host queries or provide updates on their work....'notable by their absence' springs to mind.


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Mike-And-Jane0  It was a typo that hasn't been corrected yet. It was supposed to say "Ghost Advisory Board", aka GAB.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

@Sarah977Thank you for the best laugh of my day!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@M199 Indeed I will leave it another day or so and then mark the funniest response as the most helpful answer. @Sarah977 is winning so far although @Colleen253 does get some kudos for laughing at my humour.

@Mike-And-Jane0  Thanks for the prize. I would have preferred cash, though. 🙂

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



😂😂  I love how us hosts  (not Ghosts!) support each other! Good, bad or humorous.




@Mike-And-Jane0  I (Mary Ellen) am an award-winning journalist, but I'll pass on this investigative piece, thanks! [wink wink]


Me too. I'm too busy asking other hosts what to do.

The Historic Mountain View
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Join Telegram and other platforms, plenty of Journalists are tucked in there, and Rumble.

You can always write your own piece @Mike-And-Jane0 as you are good with words.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I can just imagine what kind of "journalists" are on Telegram, a right-wing, conspiracy website.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Haha @Sarah977 , no, there's a huge selection of Journalists, and Social Media contributors of all walks of life in Telegram,.

I personally keep off those sites but by chance became aware of them through our local Media Government TV, Radio & Newspaper Journalists who frequent them!

Ditto the other ones.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Not true @Helen427  sadly Telegram is a hotbed for right wing and facist commentators and is very losely moderated so people get away with making ridiculous conspiracy theory claims as well as racists and Islamaphobic comments.


Interesting that your local radio and broadcast media contribute there 😞 


Why would you advocate that hosts should join such a platform?????