I have loved using Airbnb for many years but can no longer s...
I have loved using Airbnb for many years but can no longer support an organization owned and operarated by someone who suppor...
We are a community that host homes, villas, luxury places, unique places, and etc.. with a unique personal touch, that variety makes us so different than hotels and guest house.. our personal signature are making trade marks in every single guest memory and heart through a stole moments of their breath..
We always and always take care of our guess needs unless is a made up excuse to make a handsome refund from the stay.. a free stay of our hard work..
This pandemic has made our guess afraid.. playing greater games as a victim.. and this pamdemic is geting to an end with the absent of vaccination, we hope we can be a part or pandemic as a solution..
Many of you have healt insure in your country.. a thing you pay like an electricity bills.. to make sure your hospital is paid for any sickness.. but of course not like hiv or hep c .. the uncureable desease..
But these medical insurance would help alot when you are over seas.. been in over seas through 6 different country from i was 12 untill i was 28.. some times calling your family and ask them to send financial drops, take days for international transfer.. some times things happens in international teavel, study, or even jobs.. even for health insurance clarification..
Some times is a lie from patience side for a hospital care.. all this untrust things is increasing in tention as the pandemic occurs..
I was hoping that airbnb could help by helping this networking to go more smoother.. making better, faster, stronger networking through the entier planet for our guess to get essential medical coverage when they are traveling and get problems in This pandemic virus.. is different in different governmont.. but airbnb should govern their own policy on making secure their guess and host..
We can not relly on host to pay for the guess to recover.. and what host would just kick their guess to the street because they sick??
A virus is always evolve.. even though from personal perspective is going to be like a common flu.. but many dont see it that way, today..
I propose for a medical networking through airbnb for their guess.
Because it should not be the host responsibility to help these crisis.. some how untill it is globally acceptable as normal.. is part of our responsibility a a whole, for the recovery from pandemic..
Discrimination will be apart of a problem.. as discrimination is also our goal it made sense.. even for the race against other OTA..
I got beat up by 20 people in a cell because i'm chinesse decendands and dont carry indonesian id.. at the beginining of pandemic..
Our love and our value as an airbnb host is part of the solution of this pandemic.. but we can fight this alone .. together we will rise up and shine like beacon through this chaotic of fears..
Because honestly.. every body is sick of being at home.. but the miss lead of gossip and miss lead information has create the extra mile of fear together..
So help me ..
Commend your thought..
I purpouse a medical networking internationaly to help our guess, so it can help host not to be blame and sue, also airbnb not to waste their insurance on their matters.. unleas it is just a marketing stunts.. bit at the end to take care of our guest..
Sincerely, -MANASUI-
I was not in police cell.. i was in social service cell, because i was going home going home from work and did not carry ID.. police cannot arrest me.. that is why i was not in police station.. i was in for a night only with out documentation..
And the question for the other question.. does airbnb have a travel insurance.. was not airbnb take care of their guest and host.. ??
A network is certainly cheaper.. than insurance, because is one of the powerfull argument why people use airbnb..
Especially as most of us operati as an individual, instead of a a large company like hotels.. but we were able to compete with them in our unique ways..
In answer to you question. as you know Airbnb doesn't offer guests it's own travel insurance @Manasui0
do you know of any other listing company that does.?
Yea but the birocracy would take too much time .. they would suffer before it even be considered adequate forn insurance.
Is the game of insurance in many country..
What im asking is not travel insurance..
But an international networking to make every thing else be annedequate timing to solve the needed time for emergency situation.. over seas ..
@ManasuiHello Manasui, i think you have mixed up the travel insurance which many 'tourists 'to bali have with a world wide at home health cover which people pay for and Airbnbs damages by guest insurance. Bali is heavily reliant on tourism and suffered because of lack of tourism during the pandemic. Bali has now welcomed back tourists as has Thailand . many living in these countries have been concerned that renewed international travel would stir up greater cases of covid ,and that has proven to be the case. i am not sure about the type of home that you are wanting to offer but i do know that Bali has had a mass vaccination program which you may or may not have taken personal advantage of .If it is your personal preference then do ask people for vaccination certificates before they stay. You are not a hospital, although you do seem to be very compassionate .These other diseases that you are concerned about do have some solutions in the modern world although not as good as you might hope .Hep C is curable virtually and HIV is very treatable. This is not really the place for these conversations as we are only hosts ,same as you.There are medical groups which we can all support to a certain extent which may also be near you such '' medecin sans frontiere'' . but this is a hosts page . Good luck
I’m so sorry to hear your incident, I hope you can cheers up and discovery soon.
Your points of view definitely would benefit to the host and the guest, also remarkable with branded of Airbnb is a Trust and Safely platform.
Would be grateful the Host Advisory Board members have the answer from your point of view.
Nevertheless, when we raises our point of view, we do not see a borders.
thank you for your concern. But worry not.. i have rise above it.. and provide
them of with threat of suing back if they make another move..
Is not to win.. but to stop the stupid act cause by fear of the uncertainty..
The needs of healing the world is more important than our self ego, pride and wellbeing ..
I guess.. such an insurance does not exist
Travel insurance is not covering
And hospital insurance networking is not an easy task..
I did try to do all the steps needed before check in... And steriliIng, medical protocal, even ipad for the guest to communicaye easier, it best for to day because we should share privaye area..
Is just very hard to host when people are still really effected by fear.. and not danger, because danger is always around in new ways, but fear can change some thing nice to chaotic in a moments..
How ever.. any open villa still have to wait for most general poppulation is vaccine.. then it can slowly goes up, necause there are still alot of fears around, which inflict discrimination and bulliying..
I hope it get better soon..
Thank you