Awesome new shops!

Awesome new shops!

My favorite new find is this adorable little gift shop on South Congress. Its called Letterpress Play. Beautiful space and awesome people. Its actually owned a pretty famous lady named Kyle Hawley!

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@James2692  Don't spam this forum.

Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @James2692 ,

Thank you for the information.

Kyle Hawley, she is a creative and amazing! 


Beautiful letterpress play!

@Dale711  Advertising on this forum is against the forum policy. Why are you encouraging spammers?

Hi @Sarah977 

Thank you for your insights.

I was wondering how did you probably confirm that @James2692 is the spammers.


@James2692  may love to share his incredible experience as any other members do.


Did you know Kely Hawley?

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

James just opened an account to post this link. Neither a host nor a guest. That's called a spammer.

There's plenty of places he can "share" his link, not on a discussion forum for Airbnb hosts and guests where advertising is against policy.


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

**[Advertisement removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines] - Please note that it is not allowed to advertise on the Community Center.  @James2692 



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