Awful guests, how to review?

Level 2
Wootton Rivers, United Kingdom

Awful guests, how to review?


I was hoping for some advice on how to proceed and review a guest.


My property was booked by a lady for 3 people. Asked if there was parking for their van as it was a work trip so was led to believe she was going to be there. On further investigation (after they have left) I have a feeling (although no proof) that she has made the booking for 3 people at her work.  This is based on a review she had saying “although such and such did not stay herself her guests were great” 


Anyhow, they left after 3 nights and I went into clean yesterday and apart from it being filthy with the towels covered in dirt / god knows what (which I can deal with as I get people don’t treat your home like they do their own) I had the following:


Cigarettes put out on white garden wall (no smoking property but it was the garden)


Coffee table broken, it was balanced to look ok but fell apart when touched  (I get accidents happen, luckily we fixed it before the next guests came, however let me know and don’t hide it)


Filthy hand prints over white walls which I had to re paint over. 

Bedroom blind broken, just needed clicking back however left hanging.


Everything thank goodness is fixable but it’s the sheer disregard for my home and basic manners which makes me so mad. Like I said I can deal with dirty people / everyone’s clean levels differ. But this was just appalling in my opinion.


My neighbour mentioned they were workmen so I assume this lady booked for 3 men at her work. Again I didn’t know this. How could I. 

So, do I just leave a professional but honest review? Which will impact her and her using Airbnb for personal trips.   Which I am inclined to do as it is her fault doing a 3rd party booking which is not allowed and using her own account. 
Or do I message her privately?  However I do not want her then leaving me a poor reviews because she could be embarrassed or annoyed? 

Any advice welcome.


many thanks 


9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rachel2189 Just leave an honest review. Any other approach is likely, as you say, to generate a negative review for you.

Level 2
Wootton Rivers, United Kingdom

@Mike-And-Jane0 thank you, yes you are right.  Appreciate you replying. Thanks 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I agree with @Mike-And-Jane0 . Leave an honest review. There's no need to go into minute detail, just outline the main issues, e.g. third party booking, smoking, damages and listing left in a dirty state to the point that some repainting was required. Mark down in all the relevant categories as you see fit and choose would not host again. Maybe that sounds harsh, but she wasn't honest with you and anything that happened is her responsibility regardless of whether she stayed there or not.


You can then include in your private feedback to her that third party bookings are against Airbnb policy unless she's a registered business booker and that you were very disappointed in lack of respect her guests showed to your property.

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

XxxxxX was pleasant in her communication during the booking process but it would seem she booked for colleagues and not for herself.  


We were disappointed to find the house in poor order after departure including some minor damage and addition cleaning. 

Level 4
Kinlochleven, United Kingdom

I am so sorry this has happened.  3rd party bookings for commercial purposes is allowed on Airbnb Policy, non commercial is'nt. I would be inclined to contact the company directly and make them aware that you are not happy about the damage and disrespect shown . You may find that the company will be on your side as they are aware that employees are representative of the companies reputation. Did you take photographs of the damage, as the company will most likely wish to see evidence. Best wishes. 

Level 10
North Runcton, United Kingdom

@Yvonne735 Airbnb's policies can be rather strange sometimes. Why allow 3rd part bookings for work purposes but not for non commercial? In my now long experience of hosting work related stays have tended to be the most troublesome, where work guests have been the most disrespectful to the rules. However, (even though it's not allowed!) I've had plenty of bookings where, for example, a son or daughter have booked a get away for their parents, which I find to be lovely bookings. Give me those type of bookings any day of the week. 

Level 2
Wootton Rivers, United Kingdom

@Yvonne735  Thanks everyone for you help and advice. Made me feel a lot better and gave me some confidence in my review. 

I have no idea if they are a company and allowed to book 3rd party.  I am also unable to find out the company name. To me it looks like it was booked from a normal personal Airbnb account. She had 3 reviews. 2 personal ones and one that reads along the lines that she booked it for employees. 

I did a review, kept it simple and to the point. No big over the top details. 
she has since reviewed me and seen mine.  She then messaged privately apologised and is taking it up with the people who were in the property.  
I did take pictures just incase. 
I feel much better and glad I was honest. 
It very hard to know if the person booking ever comes to your property at the end of they day.  
Onwards to the next booking and fingers crossed this sort of thing is very rare.

thanks again for all the advice 

Level 2
Silver City, NM

I would definitely state that she booked for people other than herself without disclosing that to you at the time of booking. I would also state the facts…the guests left a mess, marred or damaged your property and broke a piece of furniture and did not tell you.  This person should not be using her personal account to book for others especially without disclosing that fact.

Level 2
Wootton Rivers, United Kingdom

@Robbie54 yes I agree completely with you. Give me a lovely family booking like you said by the son or daughter all day long. I don’t want any companies “jollies” 


@Susan4535 yes she should not be booking via her account. She has sadly got a poor review now as a result and possibly more to come if she continues