What ever life has going, I am into it!
With my youngest daughter Kate, I have jumped out of a airplane......
I ride 130- 150 Kms a permitting!
I still get out on the board although, I use a bit more protection this last year.....
Last week I had my annual heart specialist appointment which required a referral from my GP......
Andrew looked at my blood test, my heart history, took my blood pressure and after a while said.....'I have to agree with your doctor'! I asked him what he meant and he said, 'didn't you read your referral', I said I hadn't, that was between my doctor and him. He pointed to this line......
I am proud of my fitness for my age and I do work on it but........... this guy is so bat sh*t crazy that I secretly respect him.
Nah Jen, I was faced with that, a mate of mine posted on Facebook a video of himself doing a Bungee jump off a bridge in New Zealand and I way I would never do that, all that blood rushing to the brain could give me an aneurysm!
But I couldn't let it go unchallenged and that is when I posted that skydiving video.
I am probably getting a bit old for challenges Jen but having water skied all my life, a mate of mine has a good ski boat and I do want to ski from Mannum to Blanchetown.......
A distance as the water flows of about 130 Kms. Obviously there would be a stop or two along the way but gee it would be great to look back and say.....I did it!
This sounds awesome @Robin4 - you'll need to make sure you share your experience if you go ahead with it!
Oh I will, we have done a bit of preparation for this. The sticking point at the moment Jen is, my friend wants it to be a tandem ski and there is no way I could do that! The problem with a tandem ski is you are all the times reaching out to one side of the boat and your muscles can't take it for long. When we were younger we used to ski behind a beach buggy down on 90 mile beach in the ocean on the Coorong. We would tie 3 ski ropes together and ski behind the beach buggy in the surf, but it was hard work. With solo ski you can traverse from one side of the boat to the other and give the muscles on each side of the body a rest. Ben's answer to that is we will just make one rope 3 metres longer than the other so we can swap sides when we want to. My argument is, there is a danger in that if the lead skier comes off during the traverse and the lag skier runs over them......we will see! We need to iron out these nuts and bolts but Jen, my heart is set on it, Ben is keen and if we do it, it will set a State age record for water ski distance......
Big deal you might say but 'big deals' like this are important to me. They are what keeps driving me!
We will do a video of it Jen, another mate of mine has a high tech drone. She does a lot of agriculture mapping where she works out the wet spots and the dry spots on a farm cropping property and provides the farmer with an SD card that fits into the tractor computer which relays to the seeding machine where to put more fertilizer and where to put less.......It's big business these days! Anyway, she wants to be involved, she has the high resolution cameras and we could end up with a serious video package.......not to mention the fact we would all have a bloody good time!
Watch this space!
Awesome and thrilling pictures @Robin4 !! Some really great fitness goals and inspiration here🚲😍.
Sort of off topic but I can't help noticing Griffin in your profile photo.
We lost our faithful hound Betts a few months ago.....
She was so much a part of Ade and I, not a day goes by when we don't think of her. And every guest loved her too........
Last November she went off her food , went all lethargic. Many vets visit's later and a couple of thousand dollars we had to say goodbye to her.
We had a lovely woman from a business called 'Peaceful Paws' come in, she gave Betts a sedative and a few minutes later increased it. Betts was so content, she was in her own back yard surrounded by us and her familiar things, Even with her eyes shut she still snuggled up for a pat.......20 minutes later, she was gone!
I buried her up in the rear garden alongside her predecessor Jetti Boy.
You never really own a pet Suzanne, they are only ever on loan to us! Sooner or later we have to give them back.
I still miss her coming up to the side of the bed in the morning and giving my arm a lick and sitting there with those eyes, "Come on dad, time to get up"!
Ade misses her because Betts was really her only local daily outdoor activity. Each afternoon she would go out and throw the ball for Betts.......
I still tear up when a new guest arrives and says...."Where's Betts" and I have to explain she is no longer with us!
Another chapter in our life closes, will we get another? I don't think so, the rear garden is starting to look a bit like Centennial Park cemetery, and it so breaks your heart each you have to set them off on that rainbow bridge.
Hang onto that Griffin of yours Suzanne, give him a big squeeze, he might be a rescue but he has found a wonderful life in you....make the most of your time together!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Betts. It's easy to forget the impact our pets have on guests. I was recently reading through an old guestbook from a time pre-Griffin when I had two other pups and I was tearing up as I noticed how many times they were mentioned by guests.
We never forget them do we @Suzanne302 . It's coming up to 4 years since I lost Brandon and every so often I'm brought to tears remembering him. To both my boys, Brandon & Freddie, never forgotten:
I hope Griffin is following in his predecessors footsteps as the best furry co-host!!!