Become an Airbnb ambassador

Level 2
Jaipur, India

Become an Airbnb ambassador

Hello everyone,


I have been trying to become an airbnb ambassador/pro-referrer for my region (jaipur, India)  — I read a few threads here on how to become an airbnb ambassador,  and applied through this link


its been more than a month, my application is still in process but on the status page it just says “we will get back to you in a few days on next steps” now my question is, how long does one have to wait? 

I tried contacting airbnb CS but they do not seem to have enough resources to assist me with my situation. All they advised was to wait. 

Can someone please guide me on how do I move forward and become an ambassador? Many thanks 

16 Replies 16
Level 1
Jaipur, India

what is the benefit to become ambassadors?

Hello, I am in a similar mind space in I was just wondering if this is still open. I want to become Airbnb ambassador, how do I become an ambassador, and are there helpful communities to get help and all the needed support?