Being friend to explore things to being yourself

Being friend to explore things to being yourself

Welcome to Saigon, Vietnam
I am a raw vegetarian, I love nature & all beings on Earth
I am an energy healer, art healer, a tarot healer
 I can be friends with you in silence for many hours & connect to your inner
 We can do meditation, I can guide you how to paint, how to connect to your inner self  & do being yourself as ever
We can cook vegetarian food as well, we can walk and breath with nature 

Being peace with meBeing peace with me
7 Replies 7
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Lily523 


Welcome to the Community Center!


Are you currently a guest or a Host with Airbnb?  These sound like lovely experiences to share, either way!





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That sounds wonderful! Saigon, Vietnam is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. It's great to hear that you have a deep appreciation for nature and all living beings. Being a raw vegetarian reflects your commitment to a compassionate and environmentally friendly lifestyle. 
**[Link removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines ]

As an energy healer, art healer, and tarot healer, you have unique skills to offer. Connecting with others in silence and helping them explore their inner selves through meditation and creative expression is a beautiful way to foster personal growth and well-being.

wow, that was amazing, Being a raw vegetarian reflects your commitment to a compassionate and environmentally friendly lifestyle. 

Now that's a healty diet there. 

That sounds great! 

I'm  a multifaceted individual with a passion for coding, exploring investment opportunities, and indulging in culinary adventures. By day, I write code and navigate the world of programming. By night, I delve into the exciting realm of investments, with BNB currently capturing my interest. But my true joy lies in unearthing hidden gems on food blogs .

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Danish28 👋


A huge welcome to the Community Center! 🎉


How are you finding your Airbnb Hosting experience so far? 



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