Better communication to guests regarding ratings system scale and star indication

Better communication to guests regarding ratings system scale and star indication

It is long past time AIrBnB make it clear to guests that anything less than 5 stars is considered lacking and negative for hosts (according to AirBnB's own standards).  For many, 4 out of 5 means Very Good or even Almost Perfect.  Since hosts are warned that if they drop below a 4.3 average this is of the utmost importance.  Personally, we feel it is unfair and unorthodox for the only acceptable rating to be perfect (5 stars) but that seems to be the industry standard now.  But not to have that communicated to the guests when reviewing is extremely hurtful to us hard-working hosts!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Paris, France


I am certainly agree to your point of view. 

For the past3 days, that is over a dozen of hosts from around the globe have an issue with the Airbnb reviews standards system, as well with the reviews stars rating. 

We really hope the HAB members help the hosts works on the reviews issues.

Nevertheless, It’s may take times on the progress.