I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone ...
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I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone I know to do so as well until AirBnB board aligns itself with the...
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Why can’t people book more than one year ahead?
They can. But your dates must be available offcourse.
Maybe your "availibility window" setting is set to 1 year ahead ?
I got it set to unlimited
OK, i looked at your listing (using the website) and simulated some bookings. It all looks fine, for example 1 okt 2022 to 4 okt 2022:
It’s very strange but I tried it again and I can’t. Could it be different from one country to another? I also can’t set my price or daylinits more than one year ahead
Are you using the app or the website ?
I tried Airbnb.com also (the website), it allows me to book even in 2023/2024, so it is not a country related issue.
How are you changing the price for next year (manually in the calender, using a ruleset to increase/decrease % or ? )
All not possible. Only up to June 2022
I want to change the price but not possible very frustrating as the price it shows is this year I want it different fir next year but it’s not allowing me to do so
I’m on my iPad so using the app but it should work on both as more and more people use their phones/apps.
I also have had people contact me wanting to book in 2022 but it limit to one year ahead so it’s both ways
@Elen0 Saying it should work on both doesn't mean it does.
Many things work better on the desktop version than the app.