
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Business is picking up! Way up!

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

Business is picking up! Way up!

I'm beating last years numbers since we've opened back up. I think people are tired of being cooped up in their homes and want to get out to do something fun. I hope you all are having success too! 


-Don in Lithia Springs Ga.



68 Replies 68

@Robin4  It takes me about 2 full hours to clean and disinfect between guest so I don't like quick turn-arounds either. But I cushion the time between guests. I still like those one-nighters though!


@Donald28  It's a shame hosts would be resentful. I've always had the mindset that if others in the same field are getting plenty of business, it's good for ALL business because it means people are seeking what we provide.


@Lisa723Back to back these days would make me a bit nervous, too. I block 2 nights between reservations these days. Although I make less money, I've found I actually prefer this pace so even after this pandemic is under control, I may continue with at least 1 night between guests.

Level 10
Sellicks Beach, Australia

@Donald28  I don't think any hosts resents "success" in the slightest, but it does beggar belief that you are doing back to back bookings especially with the new cleaning protocols.  Not to mention having to disinfect every last gaming machine in the place as well as your bnb. 


Good luck with that, hope you, your family, your cleaner, their family, and all of your guests can stay out of the Covid-19 firing line.  Seems such a huge risk to be taking with other people's lives.

I'm "the cleaner" and I truly see no "risk". People want to travel, get out of the house and have fun. Who am I to say no to that? 




Why? What if I blocked every other day? Would that scare you less and why? The virus supposedly lives on surfaces for days and days. I think we're all too uptight about this virus. The flu kills more people each year. You're more apt to get killed in a car accident that by covid 19 but you still hop in your car to drive to walmart for potato chips right? We're only afraid because the media has made us afraid. If the media went on a tangent about how dangerous it is to drive or ride in a vehicle, people would be freaking out & driving less. We're afraid of whatever the media decides to spoon feed us. 


We're all just sheep easily led wherever they want to take us. Sad. >;-( 

@Donald28 to answer your questions, I'm keeping my places closed for 72 hours before cleaning and another 24 after cleaning, with a 7-day minimum stay. I don't by any means insist that's the only safe way to operate; my comment was only meant to explain that there could be reasons other than jealousy for someone to hesitate to thumbs-up your post. And I don't shop at Walmart or buy potato chips. 😉 


Again speaking only for myself, I am listening to scientists and I understand math, neither of which can be said of any sheep I'm acquainted with.


What science says (so far) is the virus remains viable on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours and in indoor air for several hours. Science says its fatality rate and its infectiousness are far higher than those of influenza. (The CDC estimates a range of 12,000 to 61,000 influenza-associated and pneumonia deaths per year from 2010 to 2019.) In 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes in the US; Covid-19 has nearly tripled that toll in just a few months. And vehicle deaths are not contagious and do not grow exponentially with exposure.


However, your point of view seems to be in the majority in many places, so things are not looking good for Georgia, or the US in general.



Unless you have a pre existing issue that compromises your health, you're far more likely to die of a car crash than of covid 19.

**[Inappropriate content removed - Community Center Guidelines]

Sorry if that is too blunt and truthful for many here.



Covid 19 is just taking the weak, fat, old, out of shape humans


That's just ignorance.


Best make sure none of your guests are weak, old or fat. But don't discriminate.

Level 10
Sellicks Beach, Australia

@Donald28  Just get yourself a good lawyer, and make sure your public liability insurance covers you for spreading a pandemic (oh, oops that's always an exclusion).  Hope you have deep pockets and plenty of freehold assets to sell in a hurry, cos man are those attorneys coming for you when one of your guests gets sick, dies, or is permanently incapacitated because of the long term effects of Covid-19 and it is traced back to you and your place.   And you can be 100% certain Airbnb won't be stepping in to save your rear end from the litigation or bankruptcy.  Incredibly foolish. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Sharon1014 IF @Donald28 's guest gets Covid & it's traced back to Don's place, then I would argue it's the GUEST'S fault for travelling in a pandemic/time when Georgia is not virus free...... You can't blame Don, - the guest must take PERSONAL responsibility for their OWN actions.


I agree with Don that the risk is low. His tiny house is an entire place. Guests need not have close contact with Don personally. Easy to wipe over arcade machines; large flat surfaces. I see no risk.


You can't blame a guest for catching the virus from an infected gaming machine !


'Tiny House' is barely the issue, and will pretty much take up that whole £8 cleaning fee. It's those 40 gaming machines which will need fully disinfecting on every surface after each and every guest which will be the issue, even for only a single nights visit. 


Being at Don's place and picking up the virus from Don's place would be Don's responsibility.

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I disagree! The guest chose to travel & use @Donald28 's machines. The guest CHOSE not to wear surgical gloves, nor wash their hands between touching machine & touching mouth. The guest CHOSE not to wipe each machine's buttons with sanitizer before using them..... Everyone must take responsibility for his/her own actions & stop blaming others!

@Helen350 thank you for "getting it". Most here don't. My guests "get it" though. That's why they are coming in droves and I won't have a night open until 7/12. that's 31 night booked in a row. People are tired of being stuck at home, not having fun. 

@Donald28 , I was mostly in and high five-ing your great news until you took that left turn in Albuquerque!  Weak, Fat, Old and out of shape humans make up half of the planet and if your lucky enough, you will either join their ranks or die young.  If you think about it a second, your guest pool (theme park guests with kids and gamers) are likely the asymptomatic carriers that are at the highest risk of transmission without actually knowing they are carrying it, if you are also less likely to show symptoms.  It might be a good idea to stick with texting your older fatter friends instead of visiting them, they might not like you killing them by mistake.  


I'm a recent adopter of the 24 hour between bookings, I have 2 complete suites and a Glamper that this time of year can all book at once.  Don't get me wrong, I love the income when they do but have to admit it wasn't reasonable for my wife and I to keep up with especially with an even more rigorous clean-out regime taking multiple trips to do a full turnover now.  


My wife and I are both Old by some measures (young by others!), its my intent to continue getting older and fatter and probably at some point become unhealthy but I will do my best to avoid the last as long as I can.   Maybe you could just put a disclaimer in your listing to scare folks like me off FOOG (For Our Own Good), Just sayin.  Best of luck from an old guy that fixed/ upgraded arcade games and pinball machines decades ago....  JR

@Melodie-And-John0 Looked like a RIGHT turn in Albuquerque to me! 😉 

@Helen350 , I've been to Albuquerque many times and its pretty awesome place.  Funny thing, as often as I heard Bugs Bunny talk about it, I never saw him there!  Coming from my house, a left turn in Alb puts me in Mexico- A right turn, California.  Both are great places for those who love them but after I go to Alb NM, the only turn I wanna take when I'm done with my visit is 180 degree's and back to Bearpath Lodging, upstate NY!  JR