Level 10
La Quinta, CA


I have a share home listing and just tested positive for Covid 19 , although vaccinated and  boosted in November.  I have just contacted CS and requested my next reservation beginning in 3 days be cancelled.  Unable to get a covid testing center appointment in a timely way I used a rapid test kit.  So proof of my positive test is a picture of the results next to the instructions of what constitutes a positive test.  Unfortunately, the cancellation will carry all penalties until I am able to get a test center result.  I understand the reasoning, but the logistics are difficult at best.  I am going to snooze my listing until this can be sorted out but I want to warn other shared home hosts of this problem.  The testing system is overwhelmed in many areas.  

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Linda108  Hope your symptoms are mild and you recover quickly, Linda. And that once you get official results, it won't prove endlessly frustrating to get the cancellation penalties lifted.

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

I read in the news today that in the UK, moving forward, if you have a positive LFT you will no longer be required to take a PCR.  I wonder how that will work with cancellations versus Airbnb.


Hope you get through isolation without being too poorly. x 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I think there is a shortage of NHS PCR tests available. I tried, and failed, to get one a couple of times having been identified as a contact of someone who tested positive. Because I am fully vaccinated (including the booster) and had none of the obvious COVID symptoms (the list doesn't seem to have been updated in light of the Omicron symptoms), I was refused.


At the same time, it became very difficult here to get your hands on LFTs too. All the pharmacies were running out of them.


So, it's a potentially very tricky situation for a host who does a home test that doesn't have a result that's 'official' enough for Airbnb.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Hope you have a speedy recovery @Linda108 


*removed off-topic comment*


There seems to be a shortage of LFT/ Rapid Test Kits and questions around the use of them just like there was with the accuracy of using them for Genetic Testing a few years ago.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Helen427 I don't know anyone who has had personal information revealed with respect to Covid tests. Is this some bizarre conspiracy theory associated with anti-vaxxers?

Do you not read facts @Mike-And-Jane0  in your local news on the UK Government website?

Please cease your toxic Anti vaccination conspiracy theory comments towards me, they are unsolicited.

You know absolutely nothing about our family history and your comments are extremely hurtful.




It's a well known fact there's been Data Protection breaches in the UK if you kept abreast with Legal news, we have had them in New Zealand also.



Covid19 Coronavirus Privacy Breach reveals the mess of Software being used to track vaccinations

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Sorry to hear that. I hope you are not feeling too ill.


Yes, it's become pretty hard here to get PCRs or even LFTs too...

Level 10
Santa Monica, CA

You can go to CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens for free Covid 19 testing. Or

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand


Covid test firm ‘to sell swabs carrying customers’ DNA’

Max Stephens


14 November 2021 • 3:43pm

Cignpost Diagnostics, a government-approved supplier, prompts investigation over sharing of sensitive medical data with third parties


A leading Covid-19 testing firm is planning to sell swabs containing customer’s DNA, prompting an investigation from the UK’s data privacy watchdog.


@Mike-And-Jane0 @Linda108 @Huma0 @Amanda660 


To whomever made a complaint about our post that's been 'edited' by Admin, don't shoot the messenger without reading facts first.


@Stephanie @Quincy @Nick @Liv  and whomever else is reading any reported posts that instigated this unfortunate situation where I've once again been slandered as a 'Anti vax conspiracy theorist' you may like to ensure whomever complained is held to account for spreading misinformation and to cease their ongoing unsolicited attacks on me.

Thanks in advance


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Helen427  The point is, this is not an appropriate venue for you to post all your warnings about test data breaches. 

Level 10
Saskatchewan, Canada

@Linda108 I hope you have a speedy recovery and get a good rest! That’s so silly Airbnb won’t take your picture as proof!!! Here we are told if we test positive on a rapid test to not bother going to get a PCR test from a testing site…too many cases and not enough testing labs. Oh well what is the penalty, $50? I cancelled a reservation a few months back and was warned of the penalty, not really a concerning factor under exceptional circumstances is it?! I was surprised to receive superhost recently…I guess they didn’t take cancellations into account. 

Level 1
Rapid City, SD

Just tested positive for covid. On medication and am to isolate for five days. Next guests arrive in 4 days. I do have non-contact entry. What is the protocol?