Level 9
Washington, United States


A few thoughts: 


As my little apartment is only 50 miles north of the Ground Zero outbreak in Kirkland, you can bet we're worried. I've had two cancellations so far and yes, both are due to COVID-19.


I'm not too nervous ... yet. 


And in my instructions for check in, I make it very clear that the entire apartment, every surface, anything that MIGHT be touched by someone is disinfected twice. This includes everything even couch, chairs, whatever. 


I was getting nervous back in January as my daughter studied in China for two years and had friends still there for their studies (they were whisked out very quickly in Feb) so she was already telling me about it. I started stocking up on cleaning products at that moment, just in case. Because yeah. Guess what? In my area, there isn't a bottle or can of anything cleaner-wise in a 100 mile radius. And it's been that way for the past two weeks. Our new normal.


This has only started for those of us in the US. I will say however, I would rather stay in an Airbnb, VRBO or HomeAway place than a 300 room hotel. I honestly feel they're cleaner (I mean c'mom - one room is SO much easier to clean) and fewer people go through them. 


The schools will most likely be closing soon (several already have) and there goes my other income. 


We all depend on each other. I depend on people wanting to travel and stay in my little apartment and the restaurants in the area depend on those people to come and eat  and the local shops depend on those people to maybe buy a nice piece of art and the stores depend on those people to stop by for groceries.


This will be far-reaching and may have lasting residual affects. 


I'm looking forward to the downward slide and hopefully, getting back to a more normal existence. 


Sorry for the ramble. Good Luck to all of you. 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I agree with you, @Kristi5 .  It makes me sad for how all this will play out in my life, but I am also touched by how much more difficult it is for others.  

Level 9
Washington, United States



I'm going to reply to my own post:


As of this morning, I had five more cancellations. One due to the fact that my guest lives in Germany and well, we all know now that Europe is a no-go as far as flying.


The other four are all from Canada. Just today, I was told that if someone comes down from Canada, they won't be able to get back in until a 14 day quarantine has passed. So all of my Canada reservations are going to be cancelling before this ends.  I wasn't aware of this (as I was in class) but every one of the Canadian guests told me this, so I must believe it's true.


And now, every school is closed in Washington, starting on March 16 for the next six weeks. 


This is significant for our state, but we will not be the only ones going through this crisis. It will hit each state, one by one until finally the numbers stop growing and start declining. 


Stay in, take care of yourself and your family, take care of those who need help - elderly who shouldn't be out shopping or running errands or parents who could use someone to watch their kids while they juggle work. 


Breathe. Stay Calm. Wash Your Hands. Learn Social Distancing. 


Level 2
Calgary, Canada

Are you receiving any funds from your bookings that cancel? 

Level 9
Washington, United States

Zero. Airbnb is waiving the cancellation fees as ... well this is a crisis. 


And honestly, I will not be the only one feeling the pinch of lost sales. I'm fortunate that I have a spouse who can work from home who's occupation won't be hit as hard as someone such as our local businesses and mom/pop restaurants. I worry for them continually. 


I've had two more cancellations since that post from one more person from Canada and a person who lives south of Seattle who is self-isolating due to health and age. 


Again, just learning to adjust to this new normal for a bit and then will hopefully watch as things begin to slowly make their way back.