CS sends message at 03:24am and demands a response within an hour

Level 9
London, United Kingdom

CS sends message at 03:24am and demands a response within an hour

What is going on with Customer Services!


This morning I woke up to find several messages from Customer Services regarding a refund for a cancelled booking.  The first message said that my guest had cancelled the reservation for today, and "We want to hear back from you within the hour. If we don't get a response from you, we will go ahead and process the refund".


It was 03:24am on a Sunday evening. Of course I was asleep.


And of course they have issued the refund to the guest (35 minutes after first message).


I  replied at 05:30am this morning  but no reponse yet (13 hours later).


Honestly, what is going on?  



32 Replies 32

@Huma0It is plausible that maybe they know something we don't, by some freak of nature, but I am wondering at what point in the time did this enlightenment happened? Not much time to learn of the real world when going from an idealistic college campus (aka 'La La Land') and graduate with a 'management degree', and immediately join a corporation far removed from everyday reality.

    The best businesses succeed by picking the brains of their customer base all along the way, if it is not too arrogant to ask and believe.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I have no idea. I only really started hosting 'properly' in 2016 and, by then, Airbnb was already a massive corporation and hosts here on the CC complaining about bad customer service and policies that punished them. Personally, I found CS to be pretty good around that time, but I was put through to the excellent Irish team. Apparently, they still exist...


Perhaps it was once they made the decision to go public?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes. I remember reading your post and it was a real eye opener. It did actually make me have more sympathy for them but still, that does not change how truly crappy CS operations have become. Airbnb knows this, by the way, but they are saving $$$$, and still turning over a profit apparently, so what do they care?