@Emily1672 Cleaning fees are generally for cleaning, not for picking stuff up off the floor, moving furniture and returning stuff to its original location. The following is from the Terms & Conditions for guests which you will have agreed to when making your reservation. Without seeing photographs, house rules etc then it is hard to tell if the fee you were charged, plus the additional request is justified or not. We charge a nominal fee for cleaning for our listing, but in actual fact pay our cleaner more. We do this rather than add it into our nightly rates in order to keep those lower. I agree that some cleaning fees to seem to be excessive for some listings, but if the host is using a cleaning company rather than doing it themselves or using a local person then they will most likely be charged more. Additional people, children or adults, mean additional laundry for the host. The Host also needs to know how many people are staying within the property in the unfortunate event of a fire or other emergency.
4. Your Responsibilities.
You are responsible for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you invite to join or provide access to any Accommodation or Experience. For example, this means: (i) you are responsible for leaving an Accommodation (and related personal property) in the condition it was in when you arrived, (ii) you are responsible for paying all Damage Claim amounts necessary to cover damage that you, your guest(s), or your pet(s) cause to an Accommodation, and (iii) you must act with integrity, treat others with respect and comply with applicable laws at all times. If you are booking for an additional guest who is a minor or if you bring a minor to a Host Service, you must be legally authorized to act on behalf of the minor and you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor.