Check-in time different for last minute bookings

Level 1
Burbank, CA

Check-in time different for last minute bookings

Has anyone else heard of this? This is a message directly from Airbnb and this rule does not make any sense. I narrowly avoided a sticky situation today and called Airbnb only to be told that anyone who books less than 48 hours in advance can basically check in anytime. The can choose their check-in time when booking. My check-in time is 3 pm and check-out is 11 am. If the guest chooses to check-in at 10 am how can that even work. Below is what Airbnb wrote to me. 


Just a recap if the call, the check-in and checkout settings allow a Host to set a window that they are able to check in a guest. Host can select a flexible check-in time to be agreed between Host and guest, or make it specific: i.e. only between 3pm and 8pm. Checkouts will default to 12pm, but can be adjusted to any time of the day.

However, there are some exception:
-If a guest is booking a reservation with less than 48 hours to check in
-Guests can select a check-in time outside the Host’s check-in window
-If the listing is Instant Book, the Host will receive a Request to Book reservation


Please explain to me how that would work? This is something that Airbnb needs to fix.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Maggie404 lets hope this is an example of Airbnb's support team being wrong! That said I have seen requests with strange check in times so you do need t be careful responding to them.