Check your listing price settings ASAP! All mine were reset by system without my knowledge.

Level 2
Miami, FL

Check your listing price settings ASAP! All mine were reset by system without my knowledge.

Today I happened to be checking the upcoming month prices (I had smart pricing turned on) because after a very busy month I don’t have a single booking & noticed my minimum price per night ($97) was removed & changed to $40. I freaked out & started going through all the settings. They’ve all been changed. I allow pets to stay for free. The system changed my settings to no pets allowed. My cleaning fee was $40. The system removed my cleaning fee. My 7 day/28 day discount settings were also removed. Furthermore my max people per stay were removed & the fee I attached to any additional guests per person fee were also removed. I posted here first but am going to contact Airbnb now to report it, so I don’t know if this was a freak thing that just happened to me or to lots of accounts yet. Check your listings now just to be safe. 

UPDATE: I just spoke to someone with Airbnb & they said I’m the only one to report this system glitch as of this moment. She also confirmed my account was not hacked. 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Redmond, OR

When you turn over to a AI system you have resigned your control of your business to a robot. Take back your business.Remove the auto pricing, remove the auto booking. Take control of your business and your property.  The drop in business is not the market competition--it is the new role out doing it's weird thing which is costing us all our usual occupancy and rates and income.  Return to grass roots management of your properties and enjoy the rewards of self management.

Level 10
Marbella, Spain

Smart pricing on Airbnb is not like the price recommendation software you can buy on the market, that analyses market trends and optimises your profit.
Smart pricing on Airbnb proposes the lowest possible price so that you will rent the night, they get their commission, without much regard for whether you could have gotten more.  
Airbnb systematically proposes prices 30% or more under what I get, as a result I would never turn on "smart" pricing.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Daeja0 


Sorry to hear about this, it must have been disconcerting to see changes that you didn't make yourself.


I have raised this to the Airbnb bugs team, to see if they're aware of any other instances, and to see if there's anything else we can do.  If nothing else, it puts the incident on file with the right team so if anyone else reports it, we'll have a record of what's happened.




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Earlier this year Airbnb suddenly turned on EVERY amenity in my listing. And when I would correct it, Airbnb would change it back!!! Airbnb finally acknowledged "a glitch" but never really explained what had happened and why. And, yes, it was disconcerting, to say the least, to be promising people swimming pools and other things that have nothing to do with my property!


Here's the follow-up message I received: "On April 21, 2022, we discovered a bug in our system that has affected your listing: Railroad Express Guest Suite. Because of this bug, all amenities were toggled on—and what was displayed for guests might have been inaccurate. As of May 2, 2022, this bug has been fixed and your listing should be back to its original state on April 21. Please visit your listings dashboard to make sure your amenities are accurate and up to date."

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Thanks for making me aware of this @Hal3292 - I'll keep an eye out for any other reports of this and have kept a note of what happened with you and @Daeja0's listings.





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