Children brought me rat poison.

Level 2
Roseburg, OR

Children brought me rat poison.

I recently stayed in Idanha, Oregon USA for a week during independence day. Had my family come for a get together at the bnb I was staying, and my kids brought me rat poison they found from around the place, not disclosed in bnb info. These traps were set all over the house hidden and in areas unable to see from "walk arounds". I contacted air bnb and they said that there's nothing they can do after 72 hours. I didnt know it was there until after 72 hours. I have since then been contacted by multiple bnb people but with no answers. I have uploaded pictures/ proof and have every intention to seek further legal action if my payment for this is not fully refunded. Having a family with multiple upset parents about this will clean up this mess. Don't mess with parents I suppose. 


If anyone else has had trouble with bnb support or refunds for safety concerns feel free to contact me and you can join in on moving forward. 

81 Replies 81
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Extensive history 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


you have two reviews under your name .

@Mike2715 So you seem extremely happy and quite satisfied with your privileged self that you have more than likely upended someone’s livelihood all while you vacationed and had a good time lollygagging with family free of charge for a week. 

Karma is a mother! Sometimes things come back to bite one in the you know what. And, oh, don’t count the refund yet. AirBnB CS sometimes pull a reversal. 

@Gwen386 Actually, I hope that if anything like this comes to light with you or your family.. I will be there. Because I will have your back and fight for your children's safety. But thank you and I wish you tge best nonetheless 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Saying you are coming to a location for a family get together is not asking a host if it's okay to have a family party at their property.


It implies the get together would be at your family's home.


did you actually ask if you could bring unregistered visitors onto the property??


sorry I don't really understand much of the rest of your post.


of course the vast majority of hosts want to give their guests a fantastic experience just as the vast majority of guests don't will fully damage a hosts property or break house rules


what I continue to fail to understand is why you feel an alleged safety issue warrants an 100% refund for something that happened on the last day of your stay . 

Level 2
Roseburg, OR

It's bothersome how many of you do not care about a person's family staying with these services. It really shows the hosts that are being supplied. 


I feel for you all. And I'm glad that you are all working for bnb and not the other way around. Go figure though. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



None of us are working for 'bnb' (by the way, it's Airbnb, not bnb, but whatever). If you bothered to do the quickest of searches on this CC, you would realise that.


I always find it odd how easy people find it to throw accusations around without bothering to do any research. To me it just indicates that someone has a very one sided perspective and cannot see anyone else's point of view.


Have a look around and you will find plenty of threads where I, and the other hosts that have responded to you, have been very supportive and helpful to guests. 


I'm sorry, but you just don't come across as a reasonable person. Therefore, there's not much point trying to reason with you or continue to engage if all you can do is throw random accusations at me and the other commentators here. It's just a further indication that your accusations of the host could very likely also be erroneous. Perhaps they are not, but you don't make a very convincing case of it.

@Huma0 I'm not here to reason with you. You're a stranger with opinions on matters that don't concern you. Your opinion doesn't matter to anyone I dealt with to secure the safety and future of that listing. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



So, why are you posting here exactly?

@Huma0 Its a public forum. BNB as I like to say it in public... gives me the freedom to do so and what better way to find others in my position? 


My opinion doesn't matter much either. But if children could be harmed and hosts like you have no remorse... Then my opinion should be here. Most definitely. 👍🏻

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yep, it is a public forum. Therefore, when you post on here, you will get responses from people who might have different opinions to you. That is the nature of public forums. To then tell those people to stay out of it is a bit silly really. If you want people to stay out of your business, don't post it on a public forum.


So far, I can't see that you've found others that sympathise with your position. Have you thought to stop and ask yourself why?


Personally, I do not accept children at my listing, partly because I wouldn't want to do so unless it was 100% child safe and child friendly, so 'hosts like you that have no remorse' is a pretty silly label to apply to someone who you know nothing about. Again, you are throwing accusations around without any basis. Again, that kind of talk is why you aren't getting much sympathy.

@Huma0 You're right, I apologize. You just seemed hostile. There should be and are regulations that should prevent this. 


I want everyone safe. Bottom line. You clearly put provisions in place to do so. So thank you. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, I agree that hosts should think about guests' safety. Absolutely. What I was trying to say was that it would have been better if you had given the host a chance to rectify the situation. Perhaps they though that by putting the rat traps out of sight, hidden away, that that meant it was safe.


If you felt otherwise, you could have communicated that to the host. Sure, some people don't take kindly to negative feedback but, with a host that is so experienced, I don't think they would survive so long with so many good reviews if they were not open to dealing with guests' issues. 


Do you see what I mean? Perhaps the host would have gone out of their way to make your stay more comfortable if you had given them the chance. Perhaps they wouldn't have, but now we will never know...

@Huma0 I would agree had it been something not so easily disclosed. Finding something so harmful in a way that causes questions for child safety. 


Calling an actual exterminator would have been the responsible thing to do. Where as they put the traps and poison in places from underneath the house. Or do research on where to put them instead of guessing. 


If they had such experience they would have known this, as I do. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



To be honest, I really don't have much experience of dealing with rats, as that has not been a problem with my home. I don't even worry about mice too much even though it's an old pre-Victorian house, as I have cats. So, I can't really comment on what is the right approach in areas where that might be a more common problem.


I am not sure though that calling in an exterminator is necessarily the problem though. Perhaps this was already done and the traps were just put out as a precautionary measure to prevent further problems. We can't be sure. You didn't experience rats in the listing, just rat traps. Seems to me quite like the the host was trying to pre-empt a problem. 


Of course, poisons are concerning. I would be concerned, even if there were no children present. I'm just saying, the first recourse is to contact the host and ask them to resolve/deal with whatever problem you are experiencing. If they won't, that's when you call Airbnb.


I know you said you felt uncomfortable doing that, but I'm still not sure exactly why. Did the host make you feel like you couldn't reach out to them?

@Mike2715 I'd say its very possible that thanks to you the listing has no future, I hope the host wasn't depending on that income to live or anything.  I know many hosts who would be and have been devastated to be blindsided by a guest accusation that causes their listing to be suspended or banned.