Hello everyone. I am new to Airbnb. How do most people dea...
Hello everyone. I am new to Airbnb. How do most people deal with keys/locks - what do you find the most effective or the ea...
Hey everyone,
After last week's Plant Week, I've been dreaming about plants! 🙂 Thank you to everyone who attended and I don't know about you, but I loved seeing all of the photos afterwards, for anyone who missed it, take a look here. I now want to find a garden bench just to paint it yellow like yours @Gordon0. Plus, for those of you who are interested in growing your own produce, you might also like, here.
For this week, we are back an America friendly timezone. Our next social meetup will be:
Friday May 22nd, 10PM (UK time)*
Friday May 22nd, 2PM (San Fran)
Friday May 22nd, 5PM (New York)
Friday May 22nd, 11PM (Spain)
Saturday May 23rd, 6AM (Seoul)
Saturday May 23rd, 7AM (Sydney)
Saturday May 23rd, 9AM (Auckland)
If you would like to join, please register before the start time using this specific link (this link changes each week so if you have registered before, you will need to do it again - sorry): https://airbnb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMuce-grT8iG9eOYFaIMf6hRyh1WTaPjGtY
Not sure how to use Zoom? Check out this CC guide.
New to CC socials: For anyone new to the socials, it's a weekly online meetup where CC members come together to connect with each other and have a bit of positivity along the way. It's not specifically Airbnb focused and anyone new is very very welcome.
Theme this week: As suggested last week by @Stephanie (and it's been pretty popular) - it's Pet Week!
If you have a pet that would like to join our meetup, any type of pet is allowed (just don't put yourself in any danger bringing a lion into your home!), or you can share a photo of a pet or even a story–so let the creative juices flow.
Like last week, if you are unable to attend or you want to get the ball rolling, please do share below.
Looking forward to speaking with you all.
(P.S - if you have any suggestions for future themes, do let me know)
@Cathie19, @Lawrene0, @Robin4, @Melodie-And-John0, @Clara116, @Christine615, @Jessica-and-Henry0, @Ann72, @Kimberly29, @Roberta2, @Stephanie, @Quincy, @Gordon0, @Sandra126, @Helen3, @Helen350, @Yvonne609 , @Manasui0, @Kemi9, @Marissa107, @Wave-Autumn-Vine0, @Helen3, @Ryan350, @Suzanne302, @Ria16, @Ozge5, @Rochelle12, @Suzanne302, @Jason1350
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie, @Cathie19, @Lawrene0, @Robin4, @Melodie-And-John0, @Clara116, @Christine615, @Ann72, @Kimberly29, @Roberta2, @Stephanie, @Quincy, @Gordon0, @Sandra126, @Helen3, @Helen350, @Yvonne609 , @Manasui0, @Kemi9, @Marissa107, @Wave-Autumn-Vine0, @Helen3, @Ryan350, @Suzanne302, @Ria16, @Ozge5, @Rochelle12, @Suzanne302, @Jason1350
I'll have to pass on this week's call but I will definitely be on the look out for photos~!!!!
I thought this might be a little early for your @Jessica-and-Henry0. Maybe if it's a popular one we can do this theme again on the APAC friendly timezone. 🙂
I hope you are having a good week.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Looking forward to seeing your beautiful pet stories & photos...
@Lizzie, @Stephanie & other CC members.
Zara the famous Jack Russell is well, we all had a great walk & created havoc during the week over in her neck of the woods.
Do those of you who still have jobs & who have been working from home are you able to take your pets to work for one day a week when you finally return to your official workplaces?
Animals have emotional needs as well and to suddenly not have their owners at home with them there's been a few adjustments to consider.
It may be timely for discussions about taking Pets to work to help break down any barriers that may have arisen due to the current unusual situations we have found ourselves in.
@Lizzie Yassssss! Griffin and I look forward to seeing all the other hosts and pets!
This is amazing to hear @Suzanne302. I'm very much looking forward to meeting Griffin in person (well kind of!) 🙂
Just to mention, the link in my post above is a new one each week, so you will need to register for it (only takes a couple of minutes). Give me a shout if you have any questions on this.
Exciting times.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie so glad to see that this time finally works for me....count the kitties, Milo and me in! Milo
Tobi and Yuki
Omg this is the best thing ever- since going into quarantine I have been missing pets so much. I see a dog or cat and literally run to pet it (asking the owner beforehand)- due to social distancing I have been missing this so much! 💓
@Giuliana142 @Jody79 @Kevin1322 @Andrea-and-Francis0
@Huma0and others - it would be nice to see how you all are and pop up with some photos of your Pets!!
How are you all?
@Helen427 Sorry, I took a little break from ABB, just getting back into the forum this evening. Below are my pets. They're not cute and cuddly, but they are fun and each has their own personality! We just put them outside in their 'city pond' for the Summer a few weeks ago. They love it!
These pics are from the aquarium we keep them in over the Winter.
T-Ray, Spunk & Stripe
These three are from the top: T-ray, Spunk and Stripe
This is October
And this is Bugs
They are gorgeous.
How did you choose their names?
Incredible photography.
Would love to see your delightful critters in the same room as @Jody79 pets and their facial reactions as their eyes meet...
Thank you @Helen427 !
T-ray looked like a sting ray when looking at him from above. His shell was round and he had this really long tail sticking out the back.
Spunk was (and still is!) a spunky little guy. When we first put him in the aquarium for the first time he immediately started chasing after a guppy that was nearly as big as he was. He never did catch it, but he really really wanted it! He is now the most proficient hunter of the group, catching more fish than all the others combined.
Stripe is kinda obvious, he has a prominent stripe down the center of his his shell. It started out white but is becoming more orange now, especially in the Summer when he spends more time in the sun. He is the most social of the bunch, coming up to say 'hi'.
October has a lot of orange and green in his shell reminding you of the Fall, and we got him in the month of October.
Bugs had these huge buggy eyes when we first got him. He looked like a little bug. He's the shyest one of the bunch.