Earlier this 2020 year I signed onto VRBO platform and synced my calendars . From the start
I noticed the stark differences of VRBO's review system and Airbnb's. The VRBO rating questions
were simple and straight forward. It did not allow for any sort of guest manipulation or abuse. And 100% of my
VRBO guests submitted their reviews and gave me top rating 100%. A simple system. Adult and business like
questionnaire which I believe might also be modeled on the international system. And I was happy to give all
my guests a top review because they were all just perfect.
Hello Airbnb, will you please consider adopting the VRBO rating review system. Please ! You are loosing guests
with your annoying and pestering system which only rewards bad guests intent upon hurting the host. And hosts
like me will not Fear the guest review as we do now. And that fear destroys all the joy we get from Hosting and
participating in this business which we have invested in and enjoy.
The greatest gift you could give to us hosts to show your appreciation would be this adoption of a new review system
which models on the VRBO system and its success.
I am confident you will notice a great spike in revenue and host sign-ups and guest user boost as well. Just in time for Christmas.